Source code for

"""This module implements the ControlledGate class."""
from __future__ import annotations

from functools import reduce
from typing import Sequence

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

from import Gate
from import ComposedGate
from bqskit.qis.unitary.differentiable import DifferentiableUnitary
from bqskit.qis.unitary.unitary import RealVector
from bqskit.qis.unitary.unitarymatrix import UnitaryMatrix
from import building_docs
from bqskit.utils.typing import is_integer
from bqskit.utils.typing import is_sequence
from bqskit.utils.typing import is_sequence_of_int

[docs] class ControlledGate(ComposedGate, DifferentiableUnitary): """ An arbitrary controlled gate. Given any qudit gate, ControlledGate can add control qudits. A controlled gate adds arbitrarily controls, and can be generalized for qudit or even mixed-qudit representation. A controlled gate has a circuit structure as follows: .. controls ----/----■---- | .-. targets ----/---|G|--- '-' Where `G` is the gate being controlled. To calculate the unitary for a controlled gate, given the unitary of the gate being controlled, we can use the following equation: .. math:: U_{control} = P_i \\otimes I + P_c \\otimes G Where :math:`P_i` is the projection matrix for the states that don't activate the gate, :math:`P_c` is the projection matrix for the states that do activate the gate, :math:`I` is the identity matrix of dimension equal to the gate being controlled, and :math:`G` is the unitary matrix of the gate being controlled. In the simple case of a normal qubit CNOT, :math:`P_i` and :math:`P_c` are defined as follows: .. math:: P_i = |0\\rangle\\langle 0| P_c = |1\\rangle\\langle 1| This is because the :math:`|0\\rangle` state is the state that doesn't activate the gate, and the :math:`|1\\rangle` state is the state that does activate the gate. We can also decide to invert this, and have the :math:`|0\\rangle` state activate the gate, and the :math:`|1\\rangle` state not activate the gate. This is equivalent to swapping :math:`P_i` and :math:`P_c`, and usually drawn diagrammatically as follows: .. controls ----/----□---- | .-. targets ----/---|G|--- '-' When we add more controls the projection matrices become more complex, but the basic idea stays the same: we have a projection matrix for the states that activate the gate, and a projection matrix for the states that don't activate the gate. As in the case of a toffoli gate, the projection matrices are defined as follows: .. math:: P_i = |00\\rangle\\langle 00| + |01\\rangle\\langle 01| + |10\\rangle\\langle 10| P_c = |11\\rangle\\langle 11| This is because the :math:`|00\\rangle`, :math:`|01\\rangle`, and :math:`|10\\rangle` states are the states that don't activate the gate, and the :math:`|11\\rangle` state is the state that does activate the gate. With qudits, we have more states and as such, more complex projection matrices; however, the basic idea is the same. For example, a qutrit controlled-not gate that is activated by the :math:`|2\\rangle` state and not activated by the :math:`|0\\rangle` and :math:`|1\\rangle` states is defined as follows: .. math:: P_i = |0\\rangle\\langle 0| + |1\\rangle\\langle 1| P_c = |2\\rangle\\langle 2| One interesting concept with qudits is that we can have multiple active control levels. For example, a qutrit controlled-not gate that is activated by the :math:`|1\\rangle` and :math:`|2\\rangle` states and not activated by the :math:`|0\\rangle` state is defined similarly as follows: .. math:: P_i = |0\\rangle\\langle 0| P_c = |1\\rangle\\langle 1| + |2\\rangle\\langle 2| Note that we can always define :math:`P_i` simply from :math:`P_c`: .. math:: P_i = I_p - P_c Where :math:`I_p` is the identity matrix of dimension equal to the dimension of the control qudits. This leaves us with out final equation: .. math:: U_{control} = (I_p - P_c) \\otimes I + P_c \\otimes G If, G is a unitary-valued function of real parameters, then the gradient of the controlled gate simply discards the constant half of the equation: .. math:: \\frac{\\partial U_{control}}{\\partial \\theta} = P_c \\otimes \\frac{\\partial G}{\\partial \\theta} """
[docs] def __init__( self, gate: Gate, num_controls: int = 1, control_radixes: Sequence[int] | int = 2, control_levels: Sequence[Sequence[int] | int] | int | None = None, ): """ Construct a ControlledGate. Args: gate (Gate): The gate to control. num_controls (int): The number of controls. control_radixes (Sequence[int] | int): The number of levels for each control qudit. If one number is provided, all control qudits will have the same number of levels. Defaults to qubits (2). control_levels (Sequence[Sequence[int] | int] | int | None): Sequence of control levels for each control qudit. These levels need to be activated on the corresponding control qudits for the gate to be activated. If more than one level is selected, the subspace spanned by the levels acts as a control subspace. If all levels are selected for a given qudit, the operation is equivalent to the original gate without controls. If None, the highest level acts as the control level for each control qudit. Can be given as a single integer, which will be broadcast as the control level for all control qudits; or as a sequence, where each element describes the control levels for the corresponding control qudit. These can be given as a single integer or a sequence of integers. Defaults to None. Raises: ValueError: If `num_controls` is less than 1 ValueError: If any control radix is less than 2 ValueError: If any control level is less than 0 ValueError: If the length of control_radixes is not equal to num_controls ValueError: If the length of control_levels is not equal to num_controls ValueError: If any control level is repeated in for the same qudit ValueError: If there exists an `i` and `j` where `control_levels[i][j] >= control_radixes[i]` Examples: If we didn't have the CNOTGate we can do it from this gate: >>> from import XGate, ControlledGate >>> cnot_gate = ControlledGate(XGate()) >>> cnot_gate.get_unitary() array([[1.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j], [0.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j], [0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 1.+0.j], [0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 0.+0.j]]) We can invert the controls of a CNOTGate, by activating on the |0> state instead of the |1> state: >>> from import XGate, ControlledGate >>> inverted_cnot_gate = ControlledGate(XGate(), control_levels=0) Also, if we didn't have the ToffoliGate for qubits, we could do: >>> from import XGate, ControlledGate, ToffoliGate >>> toffoli_gate = ControlledGate(XGate(), 2) # 2 controls >>> ToffoliGate().get_unitary() == toffoli_gate.get_unitary() True We can define a qutrit CNOT that is activated by the |2> state: >>> from import ShiftGate, ControlledGate >>> qutrit_x = ShiftGate(3) >>> qutrit_cnot = ControlledGate(qutrit_x, control_radixes=3) This composed gate can also be used to define mixed-radix controlled systems. For example, we can define a mixed-radix CNOT where the control is a qubit and the X Gate is qutrit: >>> from import ShiftGate, ControlledGate >>> qutrit_x = ShiftGate(3) >>> qutrit_cnot = ControlledGate(qutrit_x) We can also define multiple controls with mixed qudits that require multiple levels to be activated. In this example, The first control is a qutrit with [0,1] control levels, the second qudit is a ququart with a [0] control level, and RY Gate for qubit operation: >>> from import RYGate, ControlledGate >>> cgate = ControlledGate( ... RYGate(), ... num_controls=2, ... control_radixes=[3,4], ... control_levels=[[0,1], 0] ... ) """ if not isinstance(gate, Gate): raise TypeError(f'Expected gate object, got {type(gate)}.') self.gate = gate params = self._check_and_type_control_parameters( num_controls, control_radixes, control_levels, ) num_controls, control_radixes, control_levels = params self.num_controls, self.control_radixes, self.control_levels = params self._radixes = tuple(tuple(control_radixes) + self.gate.radixes) self._num_qudits = gate._num_qudits + self.num_controls # TODO: Incorporate control radixes/levels into name with function def. self._name = 'Controlled(%s)' % self._num_params = self.gate._num_params iden_gate = np.identity(self.gate.dim, dtype=np.complex128) """Identity is applied when controls are not properly activated.""" self.ctrl = self.build_control_proj(control_radixes, control_levels) """Control projection matrix determines if the gate should activate.""" ctrl_dim = int( """Dimension of the control qudits.""" iden_proj = np.eye(ctrl_dim, dtype=np.complex128) - self.ctrl """Identity projection matrix determines if it shouldn't activate.""" self.ihalf = np.kron(iden_proj, iden_gate) """Identity half of the final unitary equation.""" # If input is a constant gate, we can cache the unitary. if self.num_params == 0 and not building_docs(): U = self.gate.get_unitary() ctrl_U = np.kron(self.ctrl, U) + self.ihalf self._utry = UnitaryMatrix(ctrl_U, self.radixes)
@property def qasm_name(self) -> str: """ Override default `Gate.qasm_name` method. If the core gate is a standard gate, this function will output qasm in the form 'c+<gate_qasm>'. Otherwise an error will be raised. Raises: ValueError: If the core gate is non-standard in OpenQASM 2.0. """ _core_gate = self.gate.qasm_name if self.num_controls <= 2: _controls = 'c' * self.num_controls else: _controls = f'c{self.num_controls}' qasm_name = _controls + _core_gate supported_gates = ('cu1', 'cu2', 'cu3', 'cswap', 'c3x', 'c4x') if qasm_name not in supported_gates: raise ValueError( f'Controlled gate {_core_gate} with {self.num_controls} ' 'controls is not a standard OpenQASM 2.0 identifier. ' 'To encode this gate, try decomposing it into gates with' 'standard identifiers.', ) return qasm_name
[docs] def get_unitary(self, params: RealVector = []) -> UnitaryMatrix: """Return the unitary for this gate, see :class:`Unitary` for more.""" if hasattr(self, '_utry'): return self._utry U = self.gate.get_unitary(params) ctrl_U = np.kron(self.ctrl, U) + self.ihalf return UnitaryMatrix(ctrl_U, self.radixes)
[docs] def get_grad(self, params: RealVector = []) -> npt.NDArray[np.complex128]: """ Return the gradient for this gate. See :class:`DifferentiableUnitary` for more info. """ if hasattr(self, '_utry'): return np.array([]) grads = self.gate.get_grad(params) # type: ignore return np.kron(self.ctrl, grads)
[docs] def get_unitary_and_grad( self, params: RealVector = [], ) -> tuple[UnitaryMatrix, npt.NDArray[np.complex128]]: """ Return the unitary and gradient for this gate. See :class:`DifferentiableUnitary` for more info. """ if hasattr(self, '_utry'): return self._utry, np.array([]) U, grads = self.gate.get_unitary_and_grad(params) # type: ignore ctrl_U = np.kron(self.ctrl, U) + self.ihalf ctl_grads = np.kron(self.ctrl, grads) return UnitaryMatrix(ctrl_U, self.radixes), ctl_grads
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return ( isinstance(other, ControlledGate) and self.gate == other.gate and self.num_controls == other.num_controls and self.control_radixes == other.control_radixes and self.control_levels == other.control_levels ) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((self.gate, self.radixes))
[docs] @staticmethod def build_control_proj( control_radixes: Sequence[int], control_levels: Sequence[Sequence[int]], ) -> npt.NDArray[np.complex128]: """ Construct the control projection matrix from the control levels. See :class:`ControlledGate` for more info. """ params = ControlledGate._check_and_type_control_parameters( len(control_radixes), control_radixes, control_levels, ) _, control_radixes, control_levels = params elementary_projection_list = [ np.zeros((r, r), dtype=np.complex128) for r in control_radixes ] for i, projection in enumerate(elementary_projection_list): for control_level in control_levels[i]: projection[control_level, control_level] = 1.0 return reduce(np.kron, elementary_projection_list)
@staticmethod def _check_and_type_control_parameters( num_controls: int = 1, control_radixes: Sequence[int] | int = 2, control_levels: Sequence[Sequence[int] | int] | int | None = None, ) -> tuple[int, list[int], list[list[int]]]: """ Checks the control paramters for type and value errors. Returns specific types for each parameter; see :class:`ControlledGate` for more info on errors and parameters. """ if not is_integer(num_controls): raise TypeError( f'Expected integer for num_controls, got {type(num_controls)}.', ) if num_controls < 1: raise ValueError( 'Expected num_controls to be greater than or equal to 1' f', got {num_controls}.', ) if is_integer(control_radixes): control_radixes = [control_radixes] * num_controls if not is_sequence_of_int(control_radixes): raise TypeError( 'Expected integer or sequence of integers for control_radixes.', ) if any(r < 2 for r in control_radixes): raise ValueError('Expected every radix to be greater than 1.') if len(control_radixes) != num_controls: raise ValueError( 'Expected length of control_radixes to be equal to ' f'num_controls: {len(control_radixes)=} != {num_controls=}.', ) if control_levels is None: control_levels = [ [control_radixes[i] - 1] for i in range(num_controls) ] if is_integer(control_levels): control_levels = [[control_levels]] * num_controls if not is_sequence(control_levels): raise TypeError( 'Expected sequence of sequence of integers for control_levels,' f'got {type(control_levels)}.', ) control_levels = [ [level] if is_integer(level) else level for level in control_levels ] if any(not is_sequence_of_int(levels) for levels in control_levels): bad = [not is_sequence_of_int(levels) for levels in control_levels] bad_index = bad.index(True) raise TypeError( 'Expected sequence of sequence of integers for control_levels,' f'got {control_levels[bad_index]} where a sequence of integers' ' was expected.', ) if len(control_levels) != num_controls: raise ValueError( 'Expected length of control_levels to be equal to ' f'num_controls: {len(control_levels)=} != {num_controls=}.', ) if any(l < 0 for levels in control_levels for l in levels): raise ValueError( 'Expected control levels to be greater than or equal to 0.', ) if any( l >= r for r, levels in zip(control_radixes, control_levels) for l in levels ): raise ValueError( 'Expected control levels to be less than the number of levels.', ) if any(len(l) != len(set(l)) for l in control_levels): raise ValueError( 'Expected control levels to be unique for each qudit.', ) control_levels = [list(levels) for levels in control_levels] return num_controls, list(control_radixes), control_levels