
Compiler.submit(task_or_circuit, workflow=None, request_data=False, logging_level=None, max_logging_depth=-1)[source]

Submit a compilation job to the Compiler.

  • task_or_circuit (CompilationTask | Circuit) – The task to compile, or the input circuit. If a task is specified, no other argument should be specified. If a task is not specified, the circuit must be paired with a workflow argument.

  • workflow (WorkflowLike) – The compilation job submitted is defined by executing this workflow on the input circuit.

  • request_data (bool) – If true, the task result will contain the associated pass data accumulated during compilation. Defaults to False.

  • logging_level (int | None) – Specify the python logging level to be used during compilation. Defaults to None, which will use current logging configuration.

  • max_logging_depth (int) – Compilation jobs will create subtasks which may also create subtasks. Tasks that have max_logging_depth ancestors or more will stop logging. Defaults to -1, which disables the feature, allowing all tasks equal opportunity to log.


The ID of the generated task in the system. This

ID can be used to check the status of, cancel, and request the result of the task.

Return type:
