Source code for bqskit.qis.unitary.unitarymatrix

"""This module implements the UnitaryMatrix class."""
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import Any
from typing import Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import scipy as sp
from scipy.stats import unitary_group

from bqskit.qis.state.state import StateLike
from bqskit.qis.state.state import StateVector
from bqskit.qis.state.statemap import StateVectorMap
from bqskit.qis.unitary.unitary import RealVector
from bqskit.qis.unitary.unitary import Unitary
from import building_docs
from bqskit.utils.typing import is_integer
from bqskit.utils.typing import is_square_matrix
from bqskit.utils.typing import is_valid_radixes

    from typing import TypeGuard

if not building_docs():
    from numpy.lib.mixins import NDArrayOperatorsMixin
    class NDArrayOperatorsMixin:  # type: ignore

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class UnitaryMatrix(Unitary, StateVectorMap, NDArrayOperatorsMixin): """A concrete representation of a unitary matrix."""
[docs] def __init__( self, input: UnitaryLike, radixes: Sequence[int] = [], check_arguments: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Constructs a `UnitaryMatrix` from the supplied unitary matrix. Args: input (UnitaryLike): The unitary matrix input. radixes (Sequence[int]): A sequence with its length equal to the number of qudits this `UnitaryMatrix` can act on. Each element specifies the base, number of orthogonal states, for the corresponding qudit. By default, the constructor will attempt to calculate `radixes` from `utry`. check_arguments (bool): If true, check arguments for type and value errors. Raises: ValueError: If `input` is not unitary. ValueError: If the dimension of `input` does not match the expected dimension from `radixes`. RuntimeError: If `radixes` is not specified and the constructor cannot infer it. Examples: >>> UnitaryMatrix( ... [ ... [0, 1], ... [1, 0], ... ], ... ) # Creates a single-qubit Pauli X unitary matrix. array([[0.+0.j, 1.+0.j], [1.+0.j, 0.+0.j]]) """ # Stop any actual logic when building documentation if building_docs(): self._utry: npt.NDArray[np.complex128] = np.array([]) return # Copy constructor if isinstance(input, UnitaryMatrix): self._utry = input.numpy self._radixes = input.radixes self._dim = input.dim return if check_arguments and not is_square_matrix(input): raise TypeError(f'Expected square matrix, got {type(input)}.') if check_arguments and not UnitaryMatrix.is_unitary(input): raise ValueError('Input failed unitary condition.') dim = len(input) if radixes: self._radixes = tuple(radixes) # Check if unitary dimension is a power of two elif dim & (dim - 1) == 0: self._radixes = tuple([2] * int(np.round(np.log2(dim)))) # Check if unitary dimension is a power of three elif 3 ** int(np.round(np.log(dim) / np.log(3))) == dim: # noqa radixes = [3] * int(np.round(np.log(dim) / np.log(3))) self._radixes = tuple(radixes) else: raise RuntimeError( 'Unable to determine radixes' ' for UnitaryMatrix with dim %d.' % dim, ) if check_arguments and not is_valid_radixes(self.radixes): raise TypeError('Invalid qudit radixes.') if check_arguments and != dim: raise ValueError('Qudit radixes mismatch with dimension.') self._utry = np.array(input, dtype=np.complex128) self._dim = dim
_num_params = 0 @property def numpy(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.complex128]: """The NumPy array holding the unitary.""" return self._utry @property def shape(self) -> tuple[int, ...]: """The two-dimensional square shape of the unitary.""" return self._utry.shape @property def dtype(self) -> np.typing.DTypeLike: """The NumPy data type of the unitary.""" return self._utry.dtype @property def T(self) -> UnitaryMatrix: """The transpose of the unitary.""" return UnitaryMatrix(self._utry.T, self.radixes, False) @property def dagger(self) -> UnitaryMatrix: """The conjugate transpose of the unitary.""" return self.conj().T
[docs] def to_special(self) -> UnitaryMatrix: """Return a special unitary matrix verson of this one.""" determinant = np.linalg.det(self) dimension = len(self) global_phase = np.angle(determinant) / dimension global_phase = global_phase % (2 * np.pi / dimension) global_phase_factor = np.exp(-1j * global_phase) return global_phase_factor * self
[docs] def is_special(self) -> bool: """Return true if this unitary is special.""" return 1 - np.abs(np.linalg.det(self)) < 1e-8
def __len__(self) -> int: """The dimension of the square unitary matrix.""" return self.shape[0] def __iter__(self) -> int: """An iterator that iterates through the rows of the matrix.""" return self._utry.__iter__()
[docs] def conj(self) -> UnitaryMatrix: """Return the complex conjugate unitary matrix.""" return UnitaryMatrix(self._utry.conj(), self.radixes, False)
[docs] def otimes(self, *utrys: UnitaryLike) -> UnitaryMatrix: """ Calculate the tensor or kroneckor product with other unitaries. Args: utrys (UnitaryLike | Sequence[UnitaryLike]): The unitary or unitaries to computer the tensor product with. Returns: UnitaryMatrix: The resulting unitary matrix. """ utrys = [UnitaryMatrix(u) for u in utrys] utry_acm = self.numpy radixes_acm = self.radixes for utry in utrys: utry_acm = np.kron(utry_acm, utry.numpy) radixes_acm += utry.radixes return UnitaryMatrix(utry_acm, radixes_acm)
[docs] def get_unitary(self, params: RealVector = []) -> UnitaryMatrix: """Return the same object, satisfies the :class:`Unitary` API.""" return self
[docs] def get_distance_from(self, other: UnitaryLike, degree: int = 2) -> float: """ Return the distance between `self` and `other`. The distance is given as: .. math:: \\sqrt[D]{1 - \\frac{|Tr(U_1^\\dagger U_2)|^D}{N^D}} where D is the degree, by default is 2. Args: other (UnitaryLike): The unitary to measure distance from. degree (int): The degree of the distance metric. Returns: float: A value between 1 and 0, where 0 means the two unitaries are equal up to global phase and 1 means the two unitaries are very unsimilar or far apart. """ other = UnitaryMatrix(other, check_arguments=False) num = np.abs(np.trace(self.conj().T @ other)) dem = self.dim frac = min(num / dem, 1) dist = np.power(1 - (frac ** degree), 1.0 / degree) return dist if dist > 0.0 else 0.0
[docs] def get_statevector(self, in_state: StateLike) -> StateVector: """ Calculate the output state after applying this unitary to `in_state`. Args: in_state (StateLike): The input state to apply `self` to. Returns: StateVector: The output state. Raises: ValueError: If the state's dimension doesn't match the unitary's dimension. """ if not StateVector.is_pure_state(in_state): raise TypeError(f'Expected StateVector, got {type(in_state)}.') in_state = StateVector(in_state) if in_state.dim != self.dim: raise ValueError( 'State unitary dimension mismatch; ' f'expected {self.dim}, got {in_state.dim}.', ) vec = in_state[:, None] out_vec = self @ vec return StateVector(out_vec.reshape((-1,)), self.radixes)
[docs] @staticmethod def identity(dim: int, radixes: Sequence[int] = []) -> UnitaryMatrix: """ Construct an identity UnitaryMatrix. Args: dim (int): The dimension of the identity matrix. radixes (Sequence[int]): The number of orthogonal states for each qudit, defaults to qubits. Returns: UnitaryMatrix: An identity matrix. Raises: ValueError: If `dim` is nonpositive. """ if dim <= 0: raise ValueError('Invalid dimension for identity matrix.') return UnitaryMatrix(np.identity(dim), radixes)
[docs] @staticmethod def closest_to( M: npt.NDArray[np.complex128], radixes: Sequence[int] = [], ) -> UnitaryMatrix: """ Calculate and return the closest unitary to a given matrix. Calculate the unitary matrix U that is closest with respect to the operator norm distance to the general matrix M. Args: M (np.ndarray): The matrix input. radixes (Sequence[int]): The radixes for the Unitary. Returns: (UnitaryMatrix): The unitary matrix closest to M. References: D.M.Reich. “Characterisation and Identification of Unitary Dynamics Maps in Terms of Their Action on Density Matrices” """ if not is_square_matrix(M): raise TypeError('Expected square matrix.') V, _, Wh = sp.linalg.svd(M) return UnitaryMatrix(V @ Wh, radixes, False)
[docs] @staticmethod def random(num_qudits: int, radixes: Sequence[int] = []) -> UnitaryMatrix: """ Sample a random unitary from the haar distribution. Args: num_qudits (np.ndarray): The number of qudits for the matrix. This is not the dimension. radixes (Sequence[int]): The radixes for the Unitary. Returns: (UnitaryMatrix): A random unitary matrix. Raises: ValueError: If `num_qudits` is nonpositive. ValueError: If the length of `radixes` is not equal to `num_qudits`. """ if not is_integer(num_qudits): raise TypeError( f'Expected int for num_qudits, got {type(num_qudits)}.', ) if num_qudits <= 0: raise ValueError('Expected positive number for num_qudits.') radixes = tuple(radixes if len(radixes) > 0 else [2] * num_qudits) if not is_valid_radixes(radixes): raise TypeError('Invalid qudit radixes.') if len(radixes) != num_qudits: raise ValueError( 'Expected length of radixes to be equal to num_qudits:' ' %d != %d' % (len(radixes), num_qudits), ) U = unitary_group.rvs(int( return UnitaryMatrix(U, radixes, False)
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """Check if `self` is approximately equal to `other`.""" if isinstance(other, Unitary): other_unitary = other.get_unitary() if self.shape != other_unitary.shape: return False return np.allclose(self, other_unitary) if isinstance(other, np.ndarray): return np.allclose(self, other) return NotImplemented
[docs] def save(self, filename: str) -> None: """Save the unitary to a file.""" np.savetxt(filename, self.numpy)
def __getitem__( self, index: Any, ) -> np.complex128 | npt.NDArray[np.complex128]: """Implements NumPy API for the StateVector class.""" return self._utry[index]
[docs] @staticmethod def from_file(filename: str) -> UnitaryMatrix: """Load a unitary from a file.""" return UnitaryMatrix(np.loadtxt(filename, dtype=np.complex128))
[docs] @staticmethod def is_unitary(U: Any, tol: float = 1e-8) -> TypeGuard[UnitaryLike]: """ Check if U is a unitary matrix. Args: U (Any): The matrix to check. tol (float): The numerical precision of the check. Returns: bool: True if U is a unitary. """ if isinstance(U, UnitaryMatrix): return True from bqskit.qis.state import StateSystem if isinstance(U, StateSystem): return False if not isinstance(U, np.ndarray): U = np.array(U) if not is_square_matrix(U): return False X = U @ U.conj().T Y = U.conj().T @ U I = np.identity(X.shape[0]) if not np.allclose(X, I, rtol=0, atol=tol): if _logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): norm = np.linalg.norm(X - I) _logger.debug( 'Failed unitary condition, ||UU^d - I|| = %e' % norm, ) return False if not np.allclose(Y, I, rtol=0, atol=tol): if _logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): norm = np.linalg.norm(Y - I) _logger.debug( 'Failed unitary condition, ||U^dU - I|| = %e' % norm, ) return False return True
def __array__( self, dtype: np.typing.DTypeLike = np.complex128, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.complex128]: """Implements NumPy API for the UnitaryMatrix class.""" if dtype != np.complex128: raise ValueError('UnitaryMatrix only supports Complex128 dtype.') return self._utry def __array_ufunc__( self, ufunc: np.ufunc, method: str, *inputs: npt.NDArray[Any], **kwargs: Any, ) -> UnitaryMatrix | npt.NDArray[np.complex128]: """Implements NumPy API for the UnitaryMatrix class.""" if method != '__call__': return NotImplemented non_unitary_involved = False args: list[npt.NDArray[Any]] = [] for input in inputs: if isinstance(input, UnitaryMatrix): args.append(input.numpy) else: args.append(input) non_unitary_involved = True out = ufunc(*args, **kwargs) # The results are unitary # if only unitaries are involved # and unitaries are closed under the specific operation. convert_back = ( not non_unitary_involved and ( ufunc.__name__ == 'conjugate' or ufunc.__name__ == 'matmul' or ufunc.__name__ == 'negative' or ufunc.__name__ == 'positive' ) or ( ufunc.__name__ == 'multiply' and all( np.isscalar(input) or isinstance(input, UnitaryMatrix) for input in inputs ) and all( np.abs(np.abs(input) - 1) <= 1e-14 for input in inputs if np.isscalar(input) ) ) ) if convert_back: return UnitaryMatrix(out, self.radixes, False) return out def __str__(self) -> str: """Return the string representation of the unitary.""" return str(self._utry) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return the repr representation of the unitary.""" return repr(self._utry) def __hash__(self) -> int: """Return the hash of the unitary.""" return hash((self._utry[0][0], self._utry[-1][-1], self.shape))
UnitaryLike = Union[ UnitaryMatrix, np.ndarray, Sequence[Sequence[Union[int, float, complex]]], ]