Source code for bqskit.qis.unitary.differentiable

"""This module implements the DifferentiableUnitary base class."""
from __future__ import annotations

import abc

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

from bqskit.qis.unitary.unitary import RealVector
from bqskit.qis.unitary.unitary import Unitary
from bqskit.qis.unitary.unitarymatrix import UnitaryMatrix

[docs] class DifferentiableUnitary(Unitary): """ A differentiable unitary-valued function. A `DifferentiableUnitary` inherits from `Unitary` and additionally exposes the :func:`get_grad` abstract method and the :func:`get_unitary_and_grad` method. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_grad(self, params: RealVector = []) -> npt.NDArray[np.complex128]: """ Return the gradient for the unitary map as an np.ndarray. Args: params (RealVector): The unitary parameters, see :func:`Unitary.get_unitary` for more info. Returns: np.ndarray: The `(num_params,N,N)`-shaped, matrix-by-vector derivative of this unitary at the point specified by params. Notes: The gradient of a unitary is defined as a matrix-by-vector derivative. If the UnitaryMatrix result of `get_unitary` has dimension NxN, then the shape of `get_grad`'s return value should equal (num_params,N,N), where the return value's i-th element is the matrix derivative of the unitary with respect to the i-th parameter. """
[docs] def get_unitary_and_grad( self, params: RealVector = [], ) -> tuple[UnitaryMatrix, npt.NDArray[np.complex128]]: """ Return a tuple combining the outputs of `get_unitary` and `get_grad`. Args: params (RealVector): The unitary parameters, see :func:`Unitary.get_unitary` for more info. Returns: tuple: tuple containing: UnitaryMatrix: The unitary matrix, see :func:`Unitary.get_unitary` for more info. np.ndarray: The unitary's gradient, see :func:`get_grad`. Notes: Can be overridden to potentially speed up optimization by calculating both at the same time. """ return (self.get_unitary(params), self.get_grad(params))