Source code for bqskit.passes.retarget.two

"""This module implements the Rebase2QuditGatePass."""
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import Any
from typing import Sequence

from bqskit.compiler.basepass import BasePass
from bqskit.compiler.passdata import PassData
from import Circuit
from import Gate
from import U3Gate
from import HilbertSchmidtResidualsGenerator
from import CostFunctionGenerator
from import CircuitPoint as Point
from bqskit.qis.unitary import UnitaryMatrix
from bqskit.runtime import get_runtime
from bqskit.utils.typing import is_integer
from bqskit.utils.typing import is_real_number
from bqskit.utils.typing import is_sequence
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Rebase2QuditGatePass(BasePass): """ The Rebase2QuditGatePass class. Will use instantiation to change the a 2-qudit gate to a different one. """
[docs] def __init__( self, gate_in_circuit: Gate | Sequence[Gate], new_gate: Gate | Sequence[Gate], max_depth: int = 3, max_retries: int = -1, success_threshold: float = 1e-8, cost: CostFunctionGenerator = HilbertSchmidtResidualsGenerator(), instantiate_options: dict[str, Any] = {}, single_qudit_gate: Gate = U3Gate(), ) -> None: """ Construct a Rebase2QuditGatePass. Args: gate_in_circuit (Gate | Sequence[Gate]): The two-qudit gate or gates in the circuit that you want to replace. new_gate (Gate | Sequence[Gate]): The two-qudit new gate or gates you want to put in the circuit. max_depth (int): The maximum number of new gates to replace an old gate with. (Default: 3) max_retries (int): The number of retries for the same gate before we increase the maximum depth. If left as -1, then never increase max depth. (Default: -1) success_threshold (float): The distance threshold that determines successful termintation. Measured in cost described by the hilbert schmidt cost function. (Default: 1e-8) cost (CostFunction | None): The cost function that determines successful removal of a gate. (Default: HilbertSchmidtResidualsGenerator()) instantiate_options (dict[str: Any]): Options passed directly to circuit.instantiate when instantiating circuit templates. (Default: {}) single_qudit_gate (Gate): A single-qudit gate to fill in between two-qudit gates. Raises: ValueError: If `gate_in_circuit` or `new_gate` is not a 2-qudit gate. ValueError: if `max_depth` is nonnegative. """ if is_sequence(gate_in_circuit): if any(not isinstance(g, Gate) for g in gate_in_circuit): raise TypeError('Expected Gate or Gate list.') elif not isinstance(gate_in_circuit, Gate): raise TypeError(f'Expected Gate, got {type(gate_in_circuit)}.') else: gate_in_circuit = [gate_in_circuit] if any(g.num_qudits != 2 for g in gate_in_circuit): raise ValueError('Expected 2-qudit gate.') if is_sequence(new_gate): if any(not isinstance(g, Gate) for g in new_gate): raise TypeError('Expected Gate or Gate list.') elif not isinstance(new_gate, Gate): raise TypeError(f'Expected Gate, got {type(new_gate)}.') else: new_gate = [new_gate] if any(g.num_qudits != 2 for g in new_gate): raise ValueError('Expected 2-qudit gate.') if not is_integer(max_depth): raise TypeError(f'Expected integer, got {max_depth}.') if max_depth < 0: raise ValueError(f'Expected nonnegative depth, got: {max_depth}.') if not is_integer(max_retries): raise TypeError(f'Expected integer, got {max_retries}.') if not is_real_number(success_threshold): raise TypeError( 'Expected real number for success_threshold' ', got %s' % type(success_threshold), ) if not isinstance(cost, CostFunctionGenerator): raise TypeError( 'Expected cost to be a CostFunctionGenerator, got %s' % type(cost), ) if not isinstance(instantiate_options, dict): raise TypeError( 'Expected dictionary for instantiate_options, got %s.' % type(instantiate_options), ) if not isinstance(single_qudit_gate, Gate): raise TypeError(f'Expected Gate, got {type(single_qudit_gate)}.') if single_qudit_gate.num_qudits != 1: raise ValueError( f'Expected single-qudit gate, got {single_qudit_gate}.', ) self.gates: list[Gate] = list(gate_in_circuit) self.ngates = new_gate self.max_depth = max_depth # TODO: Compute from weyl chamber coords self.max_retries = max_retries self.success_threshold = success_threshold self.cost = cost self.instantiate_options: dict[str, Any] = { 'dist_tol': self.success_threshold, 'min_iters': 100, } self.instantiate_options.update(instantiate_options) self.sq = single_qudit_gate temps = self.generate_new_gate_templates(self.ngates, self.sq) self.circs, self.counts, self.overdrive, msgs = temps self.replaced_log_messages = msgs
[docs] async def run(self, circuit: Circuit, data: PassData) -> None: """Perform the pass's operation, see :class:`BasePass` for more.""" instantiate_options = self.instantiate_options.copy() if 'seed' not in instantiate_options: instantiate_options['seed'] = data.seed _logger.debug(f'Rebasing gates from {self.gates} to {self.ngates}.') target = self.get_target(circuit, data) if isinstance(target, UnitaryMatrix): identity = UnitaryMatrix.identity(target.dim, target.radixes) if target.get_distance_from(identity) < self.success_threshold: _logger.debug('Target is identity, returning empty circuit.') circuit.clear() return for g in self.gates: # Track retries to check for no progress num_retries = 0 prev_count = circuit.count(g) while g in circuit.gate_set: # Change the seed every iteration to prevent stalls if instantiate_options['seed'] is not None: instantiate_options['seed'] += 1 # Check if we made progress from last loop gates_left = circuit.count(g) if prev_count == gates_left: num_retries += 1 else: prev_count = gates_left num_retries = 0 # Group together a 2-qubit block composed of gates from old set point = self.group_near_gates( circuit, circuit.point(g), self.gates, ) circuits_with_new_gate = [] for circ in self.circs: circuit_copy = circuit.copy() circuit_copy.replace_with_circuit(point, circ) circuits_with_new_gate.append(circuit_copy) # If we have exceeded the number of retries, up the max depth if self.max_retries >= 0 and num_retries > self.max_retries: _logger.debug('Exceeded max retries, increasing depth.') circuit_copy = circuit.copy() circuit_copy.replace_with_circuit(point, self.overdrive) circuits_with_new_gate.append(circuit_copy) instantiated_circuits = await get_runtime().map( Circuit.instantiate, circuits_with_new_gate, target=target, **instantiate_options, ) dists = [self.cost(c, target) for c in instantiated_circuits] # Find the successful circuit with the least gates best_index = None best_count = self.max_depth + 2 for i, dist in enumerate(dists): if dist < self.success_threshold: if self.counts[i] < best_count: best_index = i best_count = self.counts[i] if best_index is None: circuit.unfold(point) continue _logger.debug(self.replaced_log_messages[best_index]) circuit.become(instantiated_circuits[best_index])
[docs] def group_near_gates( self, circuit: Circuit, center: Point, gates: list[Gate], ) -> Point: """Group gates similar to the gate at center on the same qubits.""" op = circuit[center] qubits = op.location counts = {g: 0.0 for g in gates} counts[op.gate] += 1.0 # Go to the left until cant i = 0 moving_left = True while moving_left: i += 1 if center.cycle - i < 0: i = center.cycle break for q in qubits: point = (center.cycle - i, q) if not circuit.is_point_idle(point): lop = circuit[point] if any(p not in qubits for p in lop.location): i -= 1 moving_left = False break if lop.num_qudits != 1 and lop.gate not in gates: i -= 1 moving_left = False break if lop.num_qudits == 2: counts[lop.gate] += 0.5 j = 0 moving_right = True while moving_right: j += 1 if center.cycle + j >= circuit.num_cycles: j = circuit.num_cycles - center.cycle - 1 break for q in qubits: point = (center.cycle + j, q) if not circuit.is_point_idle(point): rop = circuit[point] if any(p not in qubits for p in rop.location): j -= 1 moving_right = False break if rop.num_qudits != 1 and rop.gate not in gates: j -= 1 moving_right = False break if rop.num_qudits == 2: counts[rop.gate] += 0.5 region = {q: (center.cycle - i, center.cycle + j) for q in qubits} grouped_gate_str = ', '.join([ f'{int(c)} {g}' + ('s' if c > 1 else '') for g, c in counts.items() ]) _logger.debug(f'Grouped together {grouped_gate_str}.') return circuit.fold(region)
[docs] def generate_new_gate_templates( self, new_gates: Sequence[Gate], single_qudit_gate: Gate, ) -> tuple[list[Circuit], list[int], Circuit, list[str]]: """Generate the templates to be instantiated over old circuits.""" circs: list[Circuit] = [] counts: list[int] = [] circ = Circuit(2, new_gates[0].radixes) circ.append_gate(single_qudit_gate, 0) circ.append_gate(single_qudit_gate, 1) circs.append(circ) counts.append(0) for g in new_gates: for i in range(1, self.max_depth + 1): circ = Circuit(2, new_gates[0].radixes) circ.append_gate(single_qudit_gate, 0) circ.append_gate(single_qudit_gate, 1) for _ in range(i): circ.append_gate(g, (0, 1)) circ.append_gate(single_qudit_gate, 0) circ.append_gate(single_qudit_gate, 1) counts.append(i) circs.append(circ) # Add overdrive circuit, incase we exceed retry limit overdrive = circs[-1].copy() overdrive.append_gate(new_gates[-1], (0, 1)) overdrive.append_gate(single_qudit_gate, 0) overdrive.append_gate(single_qudit_gate, 1) counts.append(counts[-1] + 1) # Preprocess log messages replaced_log_messages = [] for circ in circs + [overdrive]: g_counts = [circ.count(g) for g in circ.gate_set] gate_count_str = ', '.join([ f'{c} {g}' + ('s' if c > 1 else '') for c, g in zip(g_counts, circ.gate_set) ]) msg = f'Replaced gate with {gate_count_str}.' replaced_log_messages.append(msg) return circs, counts, overdrive, replaced_log_messages