Source code for bqskit.passes.processing.substitute

"""This module implements the SubstitutePass."""
from __future__ import annotations

import itertools as it
import logging
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable

from bqskit.compiler.basepass import BasePass
from bqskit.compiler.passdata import PassData
from import Circuit
from import Gate
from import Operation
from import HilbertSchmidtResidualsGenerator
from import CostFunctionGenerator
from bqskit.utils.typing import is_real_number
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class SubstitutePass(BasePass): """ The SubstitutePass class. The substitute pass will attempt to use instantiation to replace gates with other gates. """
[docs] def __init__( self, collection_filter: Callable[[Operation], bool], gate: Gate, success_threshold: float = 1e-8, cost: CostFunctionGenerator = HilbertSchmidtResidualsGenerator(), instantiate_options: dict[str, Any] = {}, ) -> None: """ Construct a SubstitutePass. Args: collection_filter (Callable[[Operation], bool]): A predicate that determines which operations should have substitution attempted on them. gate (Gate): The gate to try substitute in. success_threshold (float): The distance threshold that determines successful termintation. Measured in cost described by the hilbert schmidt cost function. (Default: 1e-8) cost (CostFunction | None): The cost function that determines successful removal of a gate. (Default: HilbertSchmidtResidualsGenerator()) instantiate_options (dict[str: Any]): Options passed directly to circuit.instantiate when instantiating circuit templates. (Default: {}) """ if not callable(collection_filter): raise TypeError( 'Expected callable method that maps Operations to booleans for' ' collection_filter, got %s.' % type(self.collection_filter), ) if not isinstance(gate, Gate): raise TypeError(f'Expected a gate, got {type(gate)}') if not is_real_number(success_threshold): raise TypeError( 'Expected real number for success_threshold' ', got %s' % type(success_threshold), ) if not isinstance(cost, CostFunctionGenerator): raise TypeError( 'Expected cost to be a CostFunctionGenerator, got %s' % type(cost), ) if not isinstance(instantiate_options, dict): raise TypeError( 'Expected dictionary for instantiate_options, got %s.' % type(instantiate_options), ) self.collection_filter = collection_filter self.gate = gate self.success_threshold = success_threshold self.cost = cost self.instantiate_options: dict[str, Any] = { 'dist_tol': self.success_threshold, } self.instantiate_options.update(instantiate_options)
[docs] async def run(self, circuit: Circuit, data: PassData) -> None: """Perform the pass's operation, see :class:`BasePass` for more.""" instantiate_options = self.instantiate_options.copy() if 'seed' not in instantiate_options: instantiate_options['seed'] = data.seed # Collect locations in circuit where self.init_gate exists points = [ (cycle, op.location[0]) for cycle, op in circuit.operations_with_cycles() if self.collection_filter(op) ] # Check substitutions are valid for point in points: if circuit[point].num_qudits < self.gate.num_qudits: raise RuntimeError( f'Cannot substitute {circuit[point]}' f' with {self.gate}.', ) # Attempt substitution target = self.get_target(circuit, data) shift = 0 for point in points: point = (point[0] - shift, point[1])'Attempting substitution for operation at {point}.')'Operation: {circuit[point]}') qudits = circuit[point].location locs = it.combinations(qudits, self.gate.num_qudits) og_cycle_count = circuit.num_cycles for loc in locs: _logger.debug(f'Trying location: {loc}') circuit_copy = circuit.copy() circuit_copy.replace_gate(point, self.gate, loc) circuit_copy.instantiate(target, **instantiate_options) if self.cost(circuit_copy, target) < self.success_threshold:'Successfully substituted operation.') circuit.become(circuit_copy) shift += og_cycle_count - circuit.num_cycles break