Source code for bqskit.passes.control.predicates.single

"""This module implements the SinglePhysicalPredicate class."""
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from import SXGate
from import GeneralGate
from import RXGate
from import RZGate
from import U1Gate
from bqskit.passes.control.predicate import PassPredicate

    from bqskit.compiler.passdata import PassData
    from import Circuit

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class SinglePhysicalPredicate(PassPredicate): """ The SinglePhysicalPredicate class. The SinglePhysicalPredicate returns true if circuit's single-qudit gates are in the native gate set. """
[docs] def get_truth_value(self, circuit: Circuit, data: PassData) -> bool: """Call this predicate, see :class:`PassPredicate` for more info.""" for gate in circuit.gate_set: if gate.num_qudits > 1: continue if gate not in data.gate_set: _logger.debug(f'{gate} not in native set: {data.gate_set}.') return False return True
[docs] class NoSingleQuditGatesInModel(PassPredicate): """A predicate that checks if the model has single qudit gates."""
[docs] def get_truth_value(self, circuit: Circuit, data: PassData) -> bool: """Call this predicate, see :class:`PassPredicate` for more info.""" return len(data.gate_set.single_qudit_gates) == 0
[docs] class HasGeneralSingleQuditGate(PassPredicate): """A predicate that checks if the model has a general single qudit gate."""
[docs] def get_truth_value(self, circuit: Circuit, data: PassData) -> bool: """Call this predicate, see :class:`PassPredicate` for more info.""" return any( isinstance(g, GeneralGate) for g in data.gate_set.single_qudit_gates )
[docs] class ZXGatePredicate(PassPredicate): """A predicate that checks if the model has a RZ or U1 and SX or RX gate."""
[docs] def get_truth_value(self, circuit: Circuit, data: PassData) -> bool: """Call this predicate, see :class:`PassPredicate` for more info.""" return ( ( RZGate() in data.gate_set.single_qudit_gates or U1Gate() in data.gate_set.single_qudit_gates ) and ( SXGate() in data.gate_set.single_qudit_gates or RXGate() in data.gate_set.single_qudit_gates ) )
[docs] class AllConstantSingleQuditGates(PassPredicate): """A predicate that checks if all single qudit gates are constant."""
[docs] def get_truth_value(self, circuit: Circuit, data: PassData) -> bool: """Call this predicate, see :class:`PassPredicate` for more info.""" return all(g.is_constant() for g in data.gate_set.single_qudit_gates)