Source code for

"""This module implements the CircuitRegion class."""
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import Any
from typing import Iterator
from typing import Mapping
from typing import Union

from typing_extensions import TypeGuard

from import CycleInterval
from import IntervalLike
from import CircuitLocation
from import CircuitPoint
from import CircuitPointLike
from bqskit.utils.typing import is_integer
from bqskit.utils.typing import is_mapping
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class CircuitRegion(Mapping[int, CycleInterval]): """ The CircuitRegion class. A CircuitRegion is an contiguous, convex area in a circuit. It is represented as a map from qudit indices to cycle intervals. """
[docs] def __init__(self, intervals: Mapping[int, IntervalLike]) -> None: """ CircuitRegion Initializer. Args: intervals (Mapping[int, IntervalLike]): A map from qudit indices to cycle intervals. The cycle intervals can be given as either a CycleInterval object or a tuple of two ints that represent the lower and upper bound of the inclusive interval. Notes: All cycle intervals are inclusive. """ if not is_mapping(intervals): raise TypeError( f'Expected mapping from int to IntervalLike, got {intervals}.', ) for qudit, interval in intervals.items(): if not is_integer(qudit): raise TypeError(f'Expected integer keys, got {qudit}.') if not CycleInterval.is_interval(interval): raise TypeError( f'Expected valid CycleInterval, got {interval}.', ) self._intervals = { qudit: CycleInterval(interval) for qudit, interval in intervals.items() }
def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> CycleInterval: """ Return the interval given by the qudit `key`. Raises: IndexError: If `key` is not in this region. """ return self._intervals[key] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[int]: """Return an iterator for all qudits contained in the region.""" return iter(self._intervals) def __len__(self) -> int: """Return the number of qudits in the region.""" return len(self._intervals) @property def min_cycle(self) -> int: """ Return the smallest cycle index for any qudit. Raises: ValueError: If `self` is empty. """ if self.empty: raise ValueError('Empty region cannot have minimum cycle.') return min(interval.lower for interval in self.values()) @property def max_cycle(self) -> int: """ Return the largest cycle index for any qudit. Raises: ValueError: If `self` is empty. """ if self.empty: raise ValueError('Empty region cannot have maximum cycle.') return max(interval.upper for interval in self.values()) @property def max_min_cycle(self) -> int: """ Return the largest cycle index for any lower bound. Raises: ValueError: If `self` is empty. """ if self.empty: raise ValueError('Empty region cannot have minimum cycle.') return max(interval.lower for interval in self.values()) @property def min_max_cycle(self) -> int: """ Return the smallest cycle index for any upper bound. Raises: ValueError: If `self` is empty. """ if self.empty: raise ValueError('Empty region cannot have maximum cycle.') return min(interval.upper for interval in self.values()) @property def min_qudit(self) -> int: """ Return the smallest qudit index. Raises: ValueError: If `self` is empty. """ if self.empty: raise ValueError('Empty region cannot have minimum qudit.') return min(self.keys()) @property def max_qudit(self) -> int: """ Return the largest qudit index. Raises: ValueError: If `self` is empty. """ if self.empty: raise ValueError('Empty region cannot have maximum qudit.') return max(self.keys()) @property def location(self) -> CircuitLocation: """Return the qudits this region includes as a CircuitLocation.""" return CircuitLocation(sorted(self.keys())) @property def points(self) -> list[CircuitPoint]: """Return the points described by this region.""" return [ CircuitPoint(cycle_index, qudit_index) for qudit_index, intervals in self.items() for cycle_index in intervals.indices ] @property def volume(self) -> int: """Return the volume of this region measured in qudit-cycles.""" return sum(len(interval) for interval in self.values()) @property def width(self) -> int: """Return the number of cycles this region participates in.""" if self.empty: return 0 return self.max_cycle - self.min_cycle + 1 @property def empty(self) -> bool: """Return true if this region is empty.""" return len(self) == 0
[docs] def shift_left(self, amount_to_shift: int) -> CircuitRegion: """ Shift the region to the left by `amount_to_shift`. Args: amount_to_shift (int): Subtract `amount_to_shift` from all cycle indices. Raises: ValueError: If the region would be shifted below zero as a result of performing this operation. """ if not is_integer(amount_to_shift): raise TypeError( f'Expected integer for shift amount, got {amount_to_shift}.', ) if self.empty: return CircuitRegion(self._intervals) if self.min_cycle - amount_to_shift < 0: raise ValueError( f'Cannot shift region to the left by {amount_to_shift}.', ) return CircuitRegion({ qudit_index: CycleInterval( interval[0] - amount_to_shift, interval[1] - amount_to_shift, ) for qudit_index, interval in self._intervals.items() })
[docs] def shift_right(self, amount_to_shift: int) -> CircuitRegion: """ Shift the region to the right by `amount_to_shift`. Args: amount_to_shift (int): Add `amount_to_shift` to all cycle indices. """ if not is_integer(amount_to_shift): raise TypeError( f'Expected integer for shift amount, got {amount_to_shift}.', ) if self.empty: return CircuitRegion(self._intervals) if amount_to_shift < 0: return self.shift_left(-amount_to_shift) return CircuitRegion({ qudit_index: CycleInterval( interval[0] + amount_to_shift, interval[1] + amount_to_shift, ) for qudit_index, interval in self._intervals.items() })
[docs] def overlaps(self, other: CircuitPointLike | CircuitRegionLike) -> bool: """Return true if `other` overlaps this region.""" if CircuitPoint.is_point(other): other = CircuitPoint(*other) if other.qudit not in self: return False intervals = self[other.qudit] return intervals.lower <= other.cycle <= intervals.upper if CircuitRegion.is_region(other): other = CircuitRegion(other) if other.empty or self.empty: return False if self.min_cycle > other.max_cycle: return False if self.max_cycle < other.min_cycle: return False qudit_intersection = self.location.intersection(other.location) if len(qudit_intersection) == 0: return False for qudit in qudit_intersection: if ( self[qudit].lower <= other[qudit].upper and self[qudit].upper >= other[qudit].lower ): return True return False raise TypeError( 'Expected either CircuitPoint or CircuitRegion, got %s.' % type(other), )
def __contains__(self, other: object) -> bool: if is_integer(other): return other in self._intervals.keys() if CircuitPoint.is_point(other): return other[1] in self.keys() and other[0] in self[other[1]] if CircuitRegion.is_region(other): other = CircuitRegion(other) if other.empty: return True if self.empty: return False return ( all(qudit in self.keys() for qudit in other.keys()) and all( self[qudit].lower <= other[qudit][0] <= self[qudit].upper for qudit in other.keys() ) and all( self[qudit].lower <= other[qudit][1] <= self[qudit].upper for qudit in other.keys() ) ) return NotImplemented
[docs] def transpose(self) -> dict[int, list[int]]: """Flip region to map cycle indices to qudit indices.""" if self.empty: return {} qudit_cycles: dict[int, list[int]] = { i: [] for i in range(self.min_cycle, self.max_cycle + 1) } for qudit_index, intervals in sorted(self.items()): for cycle_index in range(intervals.lower, intervals.upper + 1): qudit_cycles[cycle_index].append(qudit_index) return {k: v for k, v in qudit_cycles.items() if len(v) > 0}
[docs] def intersection(self, other: CircuitRegionLike) -> CircuitRegion: if not CircuitRegion.is_region(other): raise TypeError(f'Expected CircuitRegion, got {type(other)}.') other = CircuitRegion(other) location = self.location.intersection(other.location) region: dict[int, CycleInterval] = {} for qudit in location: if self[qudit].overlaps(other[qudit]): region[qudit] = self[qudit].intersection(other[qudit]) return CircuitRegion(region)
[docs] def union(self, other: CircuitRegionLike) -> CircuitRegion: if not CircuitRegion.is_region(other): raise TypeError(f'Expected CircuitRegion, got {type(other)}.') other = CircuitRegion(other) location = self.location.union(other.location) region: dict[int, CycleInterval] = {} for qudit in location: if qudit in self and qudit in other: region[qudit] = self[qudit].union(other[qudit]) elif qudit in self: region[qudit] = self[qudit] elif qudit in other: region[qudit] = other[qudit] return CircuitRegion(region)
[docs] def depends_on(self, other: CircuitRegionLike) -> bool: """Return true if self depends on other.""" if not isinstance(other, CircuitRegion): other = CircuitRegion(other) intersection = self.location.intersection(other.location) if len(intersection) != 0: return all(other[qudit] < self[qudit] for qudit in intersection) return False
[docs] def dependency(self, other: CircuitRegionLike) -> int: """ Return 1 if self depends on other. Return -1 if other depends on self. Return 0 if no dependency. """ if not isinstance(other, CircuitRegion): other = CircuitRegion(other) intersection = self.location.intersection(other.location) if not intersection: return 0 for qudit in intersection: if other[qudit] < self[qudit]: return 1 return -1
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if CircuitRegion.is_region(other): other = CircuitRegion(other) return sorted(self.items()) == sorted(other.items()) return NotImplemented def __hash__(self) -> int: return tuple(sorted(self.items())).__hash__() def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self._intervals) def __repr__(self) -> str: return repr(self._intervals) def __lt__(self, other: object) -> bool: if CircuitPoint.is_point(other): other = CircuitPoint(*other) if other[0] < self.min_cycle: return True if other[1] in self.keys(): return other[0] < self[other[1]].lower elif CircuitRegion.is_region(other): other = CircuitRegion(other) if len(self.location.intersection(other.location)) != 0: lt = None for qudit in self.location.intersection(other.location): if lt is None: lt = self[qudit] < other[qudit] elif lt != (self[qudit] < other[qudit]): raise ValueError('Both regions depend on each other.') assert lt is not None return lt lower_intervals = tuple(sorted({x.lower for x in self.values()})) other_lower_intervals = tuple( sorted({x.lower for x in other.values()}), ) upper_intervals = tuple( reversed(sorted({x.upper for x in self.values()})), ) other_upper_intervals = tuple( reversed(sorted({x.upper for x in other.values()})), ) return (lower_intervals, upper_intervals) < ( other_lower_intervals, other_upper_intervals, ) return NotImplemented
[docs] @staticmethod def is_region(region: Any) -> TypeGuard[CircuitRegionLike]: """Return true if region is a CircuitRegionLike.""" if isinstance(region, CircuitRegion): return True if not is_mapping(region): _logger.log(0, 'Region is not a mapping.') return False if not all(is_integer(key) for key in region.keys()): _logger.log(0, 'Region does not have integer keys.') return False if not all(CycleInterval.is_interval(val) for val in region.values()): _logger.log(0, 'Region does not have IntervalLike values.') return False return True
CircuitRegionLike = Union[Mapping[int, IntervalLike], CircuitRegion]