Source code for

"""This module implements the CircuitPoint class."""
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import Any
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

from typing_extensions import TypeGuard

from bqskit.utils.typing import is_integer
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class CircuitPoint(Tuple[int, int]): """ A cycle and qudit index pair used to index a circuit. This is a subclass of a tuple, and therefore can be used where a tuple of two ints can be used. """ def __new__( cls, cycle_or_tuple: int | tuple[int, int], qudit: int | None = None, ) -> CircuitPoint: """ Construct a point. Args: cycle_or_tuple (int | tuple[int, int]): Either a cycle index given as an integer, or a tuple of a cycle index and qudit index. If an integer is given, then you will need to also specify the qudit index as the next argument. qudit (int | None): If `cycle_or_tuple` is an integer cycle index, then you will need to specify the qudit index here. Otherwise, leave this as None. Returns: CircuitPoint: The new point object. """ if qudit is not None and not is_integer(qudit): raise TypeError( f'Expected int or None for qudit, got {type(qudit)}.', ) if isinstance(cycle_or_tuple, tuple): if not CircuitPoint.is_point(cycle_or_tuple): raise TypeError('Expected two integer arguments.') if qudit is not None: raise ValueError('Unable to handle extra argument.') cycle = cycle_or_tuple[0] qudit = cycle_or_tuple[1] elif is_integer(cycle_or_tuple) and is_integer(qudit): cycle = cycle_or_tuple elif is_integer(cycle_or_tuple) and qudit is None: raise ValueError('Expected two integer arguments.') else: raise TypeError('Expected two integer arguments.') return super().__new__(cls, (cycle, qudit)) # type: ignore @property def cycle(self) -> int: """The point's cycle index.""" return self[0] @property def qudit(self) -> int: """The point's qudit index.""" return self[1]
[docs] @staticmethod def is_point(point: Any) -> TypeGuard[CircuitPointLike]: """Return true if point is a CircuitPointLike.""" if isinstance(point, CircuitPoint): return True if not isinstance(point, tuple): _logger.log(0, 'Point is not a tuple.') return False if len(point) != 2: _logger.log( 0, 'Expected point to contain two values, got %d.' % len( point, ), ) return False if not is_integer(point[0]): _logger.log( 0, 'Expected integer values in point, got %s.' % type( point[0], ), ) return False if not is_integer(point[1]): _logger.log( 0, 'Expected integer values in point, got %s.' % type( point[1], ), ) return False return True
CircuitPointLike = Union[Tuple[int, int], CircuitPoint]