Source code for

"""This module implements the SubSwapGate."""
from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np

from import ConstantGate
from import QuditGate
from bqskit.qis.unitary.unitarymatrix import UnitaryMatrix
from bqskit.utils.typing import is_integer

[docs] class SubSwapGate(ConstantGate, QuditGate): """ The two-qudit subspace SWAP gate. The subspace SWAP gate swaps between "qudit-levels" on a two-qudit gate. For example, a |01> to |20> swap would be the identity with the |01> row and |20> rows swapped. """ _num_qudits = 2 _num_params = 0
[docs] def __init__(self, radix: int, qudit_levels: str) -> None: """ Construct a SubSwapGate. Args: radix (int): The number of qudit levels (>=2). qudit_levels (str): The qudit levels that should be swapped, separated by a comma. Example: "0,1;2,0" to swap |01> to |20> Raises: ValueError: if radix < 2 ValueError: If any of the qudit levels integer represenation greater than or equal to radix. ValueError: If the qudit_levels string is not formatted correctly. """ if not is_integer(radix): raise TypeError(f'Expected integer for radix, got {type(radix)}.') if radix < 2: raise ValueError(f'Radix must be greater than 1, got {radix}.') if not isinstance(qudit_levels, str): raise TypeError( 'Expected qudit_levels object to be string' f', got {type(qudit_levels)}.', ) self._radix = radix level1, level2 = self.decode_qudit_level_string(qudit_levels) self._utry = self.calculate_level_swap_unitary(radix, level1, level2)
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_level_swap_unitary( radix: int, level1: tuple[int, int], level2: tuple[int, int], ) -> UnitaryMatrix: """ Calculate the unitary for a qudit level swap. Args: radix (int): The number of qudit levels (>=2). level1 (tuple[int, int]): The first qudit level to swap. level2 (tuple[int, int]): The second qudit level to swap. Returns: UnitaryMatrix: The unitary matrix for the qudit level swap. Raises: ValueError: If any of the qudit levels integer represenation greater than or equal to radix. Example: >>> from import SubSwapGate >>> u = SubSwapGate.calculate_level_swap_unitary(2, (1, 1), (1, 0)) >>> u array([[1.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j], [0.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j], [0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 1.+0.j], [0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 0.+0.j]]) >>> from import CNOTGate >>> u == CNOTGate().get_unitary() True """ if any(l >= radix for l in level1 + level2): raise ValueError( 'Qudit levels must be less than radix' f', got |{level1}> swaps |{level2}> when {radix=}.', ) utry = np.identity(radix ** 2, dtype=np.complex128) i = level1[0] * radix + level1[1] j = level2[0] * radix + level2[1] utry[i, i] = 0 utry[j, j] = 0 utry[i, j] = 1 utry[j, i] = 1 return UnitaryMatrix(utry, [radix, radix])
[docs] @staticmethod def decode_qudit_level_string( string: str, ) -> tuple[tuple[int, int], tuple[int, int]]: """ Decode the qudit level string into two pairs of integers. Args: string (str): The qudit level string to decode. See the :class:`SubSwapGate` documentation for more info on the format. Returns: tuple[tuple[int, int], tuple[int, int]]: The two two-qudit levels to swap, i.e., "0,1;2,0" to swap |01> to |20>. Raises: ValueError: See :class:`SubSwapGate` documentation for more info. """ split_values = string.split(';', 1) if len(split_values) != 2: raise ValueError( 'Qudit levels string must contain exactly one semicolon,' f' got {string}.', ) first = split_values[0].split(',') second = split_values[1].split(',') if len(first) != 2 or len(second) != 2: raise ValueError( 'Qudit levels string must contain exactly one comma in each' f' section, got {string}.', ) return (int(first[0]), int(first[1])), (int(second[0]), int(second[1]))