Source code for

"""This module implements the VariableLocationGate."""
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import cast
from typing import Sequence

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

from import Gate
from import ComposedGate
from import CircuitLocation
from import CircuitLocationLike
from bqskit.qis.permutation import PermutationMatrix
from bqskit.qis.unitary.differentiable import DifferentiableUnitary
from bqskit.qis.unitary.unitary import RealVector
from bqskit.qis.unitary.unitarymatrix import UnitaryMatrix
from bqskit.utils.math import softmax

[docs] class VariableLocationGate(ComposedGate): """ Gate that can multiplex multiple placements of another gate. A VariableLocationGate continuously interpolates between multiple locations for another gate. To do this this composed gate becomes as large as the sum of all locations. """
[docs] def __init__( self, gate: Gate, locations: Sequence[CircuitLocationLike], radixes: Sequence[int] = [], ) -> None: """ Create a gate that has parameterized location. Args: gate (Gate): The gate to parameterize location for. locations (Sequence[CircuitLocationLike]): A sequence of locations. Each location represents a valid placement for gate. radixes (Sequence[int]): The number of orthogonal states for each qudit. Attempts to infer it from `gate` and `locations` if not specified. Raises: ValueError: If there are not enough locations or the locations are incorrectly sized. Notes: The locations are calculated in their own space and are not relative to a circuit. This means you should consider the VariableLocationGate as its own circuit when deciding the locations. For example, if you want to multiplex the (2, 3) and (3, 5) placements of a CNOT on a 6-qubit circuit, then you would give the VariableLocationGate the (0, 1) and (1, 2) locations and place the VariableLocationGate on qubits (2, 3, 5) on the circuit. """ if not isinstance(gate, Gate): raise TypeError('Expected gate object, got %s' % type(gate)) if not all(CircuitLocation.is_location(l) for l in locations): raise TypeError('Expected a sequence of valid locations.') locations = [CircuitLocation(l) for l in locations] if not all(len(l) == gate.num_qudits for l in locations): raise ValueError('Invalid sized location.') if len(locations) < 1: raise ValueError('VLGs require at least 1 locations.') self.gate = gate name_str_tuple = (, locations, radixes) self._name = 'VariableLocationGate(%s, %s, %s)' % name_str_tuple self.locations = list(locations) self._num_qudits = len(set(sum((tuple(l) for l in locations), tuple()))) if len(radixes) == 0: # Calculate radixes radix_map: dict[int, int | None] = { i: None for i in range(self.num_qudits) } for l in locations: for radix, qudit_index in zip(gate.radixes, l): if radix_map[qudit_index] is None: radix_map[qudit_index] = radix elif radix_map[qudit_index] != radix: raise ValueError( 'Gate cannot be applied to all locations' ' due to radix mismatch.', ) if None in radix_map.values(): raise ValueError('VariableUnitaryGate cannot infer radixes.') self._radixes = tuple(radix_map.values()) # type: ignore else: for l in locations: for radix, qudit_index in zip(gate.radixes, l): if radixes[qudit_index] != radix: raise ValueError( 'Gate cannot be applied to all locations' ' due to radix mismatch.', ) self._radixes = tuple(radixes) self._num_qudits = len(self.radixes) self._num_params = self.gate.num_params + len(locations) self.extension_size = self.num_qudits - self.gate.num_qudits # TODO: This needs to changed for radixes self.I = np.identity(2 ** self.extension_size) self.perms = np.array([ PermutationMatrix.from_qubit_location(self.num_qudits, l) for l in self.locations ])
[docs] def get_location(self, params: RealVector) -> tuple[int, ...]: """Returns the gate's location.""" idx = int(np.argmax(self.split_params(params)[1])) return tuple(self.locations[idx])
[docs] def split_params( self, params: RealVector, ) -> tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float64], npt.NDArray[np.float64]]: """Split params into subgate params and location params.""" return ( np.array(params[:self.gate.num_params]), np.array(params[self.gate.num_params:]), )
[docs] def get_unitary(self, params: RealVector = []) -> UnitaryMatrix: """Return the unitary for this gate, see :class:`Unitary` for more.""" self.check_parameters(params) a, l = self.split_params(params) l = softmax(l, 10) P = np.sum([a * s for a, s in zip(l, self.perms)], 0) G = self.gate.get_unitary(a) PGPT = P.T @ np.kron(G, self.I) @ P return UnitaryMatrix.closest_to(PGPT, self.radixes)
[docs] def get_grad(self, params: RealVector = []) -> npt.NDArray[np.complex128]: """ Return the gradient for this gate. See :class:`DifferentiableUnitary` for more info. """ return self.get_unitary_and_grad(params)[1]
[docs] def get_unitary_and_grad( self, params: RealVector = [], ) -> tuple[UnitaryMatrix, npt.NDArray[np.complex128]]: """ Return the unitary and gradient for this gate. See :class:`DifferentiableUnitary` for more info. """ self.check_parameters(params) a, l = self.split_params(params) l = softmax(l, 10) P = np.sum([a * s for a, s in zip(l, self.perms)], 0) G = self.gate.get_unitary(a) G = np.kron(G, self.I) PG = P @ G GPT = G @ P.T PGPT = P @ GPT dG = cast(DifferentiableUnitary, self.gate).get_grad(a) dG = np.kron(dG, self.I) dG = P @ dG @ P.T perm_array = np.array([perm for perm in self.perms]) dP = perm_array @ GPT + PG @ perm_array.transpose((0, 2, 1)) - 2 * PGPT dP = np.array([10 * x * y for x, y in zip(l, dP)]) U = UnitaryMatrix.closest_to(PGPT, self.radixes) return U, np.concatenate([dG, dP])
[docs] def optimize(self, env_matrix: npt.NDArray[np.complex128]) -> list[float]: """ Return the optimal parameters with respect to an environment matrix. See :class:`LocallyOptimizableUnitary` for more info. """ raise NotImplementedError()
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return ( isinstance(other, VariableLocationGate) and self.gate == other.gate and self.locations == other.locations and self.radixes == other.radixes ) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((self.gate, tuple(self.locations), self.radixes))