Source code for

"""This module implements the Circuit class."""
from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import logging
import warnings
from typing import Any
from typing import cast
from typing import Collection
from typing import Dict
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Iterator
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import overload
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Set
from typing import Tuple
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

from import Gate
from import CircuitGate
from import ConstantUnitaryGate
from import MeasurementPlaceholder
from import CircuitIterator
from import get_language
from import CircuitLocation
from import CircuitLocationLike
from import Operation
from import CostFunctionGenerator
from import Instantiater
from import instantiater_order
from import CeresMinimizer
from import MultiStartGenerator
from import CircuitPoint
from import CircuitPointLike
from import CircuitRegion
from import CircuitRegionLike
from bqskit.qis.graph import CouplingGraph
from bqskit.qis.state.state import StateLike
from bqskit.qis.state.state import StateVector
from bqskit.qis.state.statemap import StateVectorMap
from bqskit.qis.state.system import StateSystem
from bqskit.qis.unitary.differentiable import DifferentiableUnitary
from bqskit.qis.unitary.unitary import RealVector
from bqskit.qis.unitary.unitarybuilder import UnitaryBuilder
from bqskit.qis.unitary.unitarymatrix import UnitaryLike
from bqskit.qis.unitary.unitarymatrix import UnitaryMatrix
from bqskit.utils.random import seed_random_sources
from bqskit.utils.typing import is_bool
from bqskit.utils.typing import is_integer
from bqskit.utils.typing import is_iterable
from bqskit.utils.typing import is_sequence_of_int
from bqskit.utils.typing import is_valid_radixes

    from import CostFunction
    from bqskit.compiler.basepass import BasePass
    from bqskit.compiler.gateset import GateSet

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Circuit(DifferentiableUnitary, StateVectorMap, Collection[Operation]): """ A Circuit is a quantum program composed of operation objects. The operations are organized in 2-dimensions, and are indexed by a CircuitPoint. The first index corresponds to an operation's cycle. This describes when an operation will be executed. The second index is the qudit index and describes where the operation will execute. An operation can be multi-qudit meaning its location - list of qudit indices describing which qudits the operation affects - contains multiple indices. All operations exist in only one cycle at a time, but if an operation is multi-qudit, then it is pointed to by multiple qudit indices. Invariants: 1. A circuit method will never complete with an idle cycle. An idle cycle is one that contains no gates. 2. No one logical operation will ever be pointed to from more than one cycle. 3. Iterating through the entire circuit always produces operations in simulation order. This means that if those operations were applied to a quantum state in the same order, then the result is the same as simulating the circuit. Notes: While a guarantee is made that the circuit never has any idle cycles, this means that cycles can be deleted or inserted during a method call. Therefore, cycle indices may need to be updated in between calls to circuit methods. There are several "batch" variants of methods that can handle this for you. """
[docs] def __init__(self, num_qudits: int, radixes: Sequence[int] = []) -> None: """ Build an empty circuit with the specified number of qudits. By default, all qudits are qubits, but this can be changed with radixes. Args: num_qudits (int): The number of qudits in this circuit. radixes (Sequence[int]): A sequence with its length equal to `num_qudits`. Each element specifies the base of a qudit. Defaults to qubits. Raises: ValueError: if `num_qudits` is nonpositive. Examples: >>> circ = Circuit(4) # Creates four-qubit empty circuit. >>> circ = Circuit(2, [2, 3]) # Creates one qubit and one qutrit. >>> circ = Circuit(2) >>> from import HGate, CXGate, HGate >>> circ.append_gate(HGate(), 0) >>> circ.append_gate(CXGate(), (0, 1)) >>> circ.append_gate(HGate(), 1) >>> circ.get_unitary() array([[ 0.5+0.j, 0.5+0.j, 0.5+0.j, 0.5+0.j], [ 0.5+0.j, -0.5+0.j, 0.5+0.j, -0.5+0.j], [ 0.5+0.j, 0.5+0.j, -0.5+0.j, -0.5+0.j], [-0.5+0.j, 0.5+0.j, 0.5+0.j, -0.5+0.j]]) >>> circ.get_statevector([1, 0, 0, 0]) array([ 0.5+0.j, 0.5+0.j, 0.5+0.j, -0.5+0.j]) """ if not is_integer(num_qudits): raise TypeError( f'Expected integer num_qudits, got {type(num_qudits)}.', ) if num_qudits <= 0: raise ValueError( f'Expected positive integer for num_qudits, got {num_qudits}.', ) self._num_qudits = int(num_qudits) self._radixes = tuple( radixes if len(radixes) > 0 else [2] * self.num_qudits, ) if not is_valid_radixes(self.radixes): raise TypeError('Invalid qudit radixes.') if len(self.radixes) != self.num_qudits: raise ValueError( 'Expected length of radixes to be equal to num_qudits:' ' %d != %d' % (len(self.radixes), self.num_qudits), ) self._circuit: list[list[Operation | None]] = [] self._gate_info: dict[Gate, int] = {} self._graph_info: dict[tuple[int, int], int] = {} _NodePtrs = Dict[int, Optional[CircuitPoint]] self._front: _NodePtrs = {i: None for i in range(self.num_qudits)} self._rear: _NodePtrs = {i: None for i in range(self.num_qudits)} self._dag: dict[CircuitPoint, tuple[_NodePtrs, _NodePtrs]] = {}
# region Circuit Properties @property def num_params(self) -> int: """The total number of parameters in the circuit.""" num_params_acm = 0 for gate, count in self._gate_info.items(): num_params_acm += gate.num_params * count return num_params_acm @property def num_operations(self) -> int: """The total number of operations in the circuit.""" num_gates_acm = 0 for _, count in self._gate_info.items(): num_gates_acm += count return num_gates_acm @property def num_cycles(self) -> int: """The number of cycles in the circuit.""" return len(self._circuit) @property def params(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: """The stored parameters for the circuit.""" return np.array(sum((list(op.params) for op in self), [])) @property def depth(self) -> int: """The length of the critical path in the circuit.""" qudit_depths = np.zeros(self.num_qudits, dtype=int) for op in self: new_depth = max(qudit_depths[list(op.location)]) + 1 qudit_depths[list(op.location)] = new_depth return int(max(qudit_depths)) @property def multi_qudit_depth(self) -> int: """The length of the critical path excluding single-qudit gates.""" qudit_depths = np.zeros(self.num_qudits, dtype=int) for op in self: if op.num_qudits == 1: continue new_depth = max(qudit_depths[list(op.location)]) + 1 qudit_depths[list(op.location)] = new_depth return int(max(qudit_depths)) @property def parallelism(self) -> float: """The amount of parallelism in the circuit.""" depth = self.depth if depth == 0: return 0 weighted_num_operations = np.sum([ gate.num_qudits * count for gate, count in self._gate_info.items() ]) return float(weighted_num_operations / depth) @property def coupling_graph(self) -> CouplingGraph: """ The qudit connectivity in the circuit. Returns: (CouplingGraph): The coupling graph required by the circuit. Notes: - Logical multi-qudit gates require participating qudits to have all-to-all connectivity. """ return CouplingGraph(self._graph_info.keys(), self.num_qudits) @property def gate_set(self) -> GateSet: """The set of gates in the circuit.""" from bqskit.compiler.gateset import GateSet return GateSet(set(self._gate_info.keys())) @property def gate_set_no_blocks(self) -> GateSet: """The set of gates in the circuit, recurses into circuit gates.""" from bqskit.compiler.gateset import GateSet gates: set[Gate] = set() for g, _ in self._gate_info.items(): if isinstance(g, CircuitGate): for other_g in g._circuit.gate_set_no_blocks: gates.add(other_g) else: gates.add(g) return GateSet(gates) @property def gate_counts(self) -> dict[Gate, int]: """The count of each type of gate in the circuit.""" return {gate: self.count(gate) for gate in self.gate_set} @property def active_qudits(self) -> list[int]: """The qudits involved in at least one operation.""" active_qudits = set() for qudit, point in self._front.items(): if point is not None: active_qudits.add(qudit) return list(sorted(active_qudits)) @property def is_empty(self) -> bool: """If there are no operations in the Circuit.""" return self.num_operations == 0
[docs] def is_differentiable(self) -> bool: """Check if all gates are differentiable.""" return all( isinstance(gate, DifferentiableUnitary) for gate in self.gate_set )
# endregion # region Qudit Methods
[docs] def append_qudit(self, radix: int = 2) -> None: """ Append a qudit to the circuit. Args: radix (int): The radix of the qudit. (Default: qubit) Raises: ValueError: If `radix` is < 2 """ if not is_integer(radix): raise TypeError('Expected integer for radix, got: %s', type(radix)) if radix < 2: raise ValueError('Expected radix to be >= 2, got %d' % radix) self._num_qudits += 1 self._radixes = self.radixes + (radix,) for cycle in self._circuit: cycle.append(None) self._rear[self.num_qudits - 1] = None self._front[self.num_qudits - 1] = None
[docs] def extend_qudits(self, radixes: Iterable[int]) -> None: """ Append many qudits to the circuit. Args: radixes (Iterable[int]): The radix for each qudit to append. Raises: ValueError: If any radix in `radixes` is < 2. """ for radix in radixes: self.append_qudit(radix)
[docs] def insert_qudit(self, qudit_index: int, radix: int = 2) -> None: """ Insert a qudit into the circuit. Args: qudit_index (int): The index where to insert the qudit. radix (int): The radix of the qudit. (Default: qubit) Raises: ValueError: If `radix` is < 2. """ if not is_integer(qudit_index): raise TypeError( f'Expected integer for qudit_index, got: {type(qudit_index)}', ) if not is_integer(radix): raise TypeError(f'Expected integer for radix, got: {type(radix)}') if radix < 2: raise ValueError(f'Expected radix to be >= 2, got {radix}') if qudit_index >= self.num_qudits: return self.append_qudit(radix) if qudit_index <= -self.num_qudits: qudit_index = 0 elif qudit_index < 0: qudit_index = self.num_qudits + qudit_index # Update circuit properties self._num_qudits += 1 radix_list = list(self.radixes) radix_list.insert(qudit_index, radix) self._radixes = tuple(radix_list) # Insert qudit shift_index = lambda q: q if q < qudit_index else q + 1 inc_point = lambda p: CircuitPoint(p.cycle, p.qudit + 1) shift_point = lambda p: p if p.qudit < qudit_index else inc_point(p) shift_point_or_none = lambda p: None if p is None else shift_point(p) shift_edge = lambda e: (shift_index(e[0]), shift_index(e[1])) for cycle in self._circuit: cycle.insert(qudit_index, None) # Renumber gates with now-invalid locations qudits_to_skip: list[int] = [] for i, op in enumerate(cycle[qudit_index:]): if op is None or i + qudit_index in qudits_to_skip: continue shifted_location = [shift_index(i) for i in op.location] op._location = CircuitLocation(shifted_location) qudits_to_skip.extend(op.location) # Shift _front, _rear, _graph_info, _dag self._front = { shift_index(q): shift_point_or_none(p) for q, p in self._front.items() } self._front[qudit_index] = None self._rear = { shift_index(q): shift_point_or_none(p) for q, p in self._rear.items() } self._rear[qudit_index] = None self._graph_info = { shift_edge(e): i for e, i in self._graph_info.items() } self._dag = { shift_point(p): ( # Prev { shift_index(q): shift_point_or_none(p2) for q, p2 in ptr_map[0].items() }, # Next { shift_index(q): shift_point_or_none(p2) for q, p2 in ptr_map[1].items() }, ) for p, ptr_map in self._dag.items() }
[docs] def pop_qudit(self, qudit_index: int) -> None: """ Pop a qudit from the circuit and all gates attached to it. Args: qudit_index (int): The index of the qudit to pop. Raises: IndexError: If `qudit_index` is out of range. ValueError: If circuit only has one qudit. """ if not is_integer(qudit_index): raise TypeError( f'Expected integer for qudit_index, got: {type(qudit_index)}', ) if not self.is_qudit_in_range(qudit_index): raise IndexError(f'Qudit index ({qudit_index}) is out-of-range.') if self.num_qudits == 1: raise ValueError('Cannot pop only qudit in circuit.') if qudit_index < 0: qudit_index = self.num_qudits + qudit_index # Remove gates attached to popped qudit points = [] for cycle_index, cycle in enumerate(self._circuit): if cycle[qudit_index] is not None: points.append((cycle_index, qudit_index)) if len(points) > 0: self.batch_pop(points) # Update circuit properties self._num_qudits -= 1 radix_list = list(self.radixes) radix_list.pop(qudit_index) self._radixes = tuple(radix_list) # Remove qudit shift_index = lambda q: q if q < qudit_index else q - 1 dec_point = lambda p: CircuitPoint(p.cycle, p.qudit - 1) shift_point = lambda p: p if p.qudit < qudit_index else dec_point(p) shift_point_or_none = lambda p: None if p is None else shift_point(p) shift_edge = lambda e: (shift_index(e[0]), shift_index(e[1])) for cycle_index, cycle in enumerate(self._circuit): cycle.pop(qudit_index) # Renumber gates with now-invalid locations for cycle_index, cycle in enumerate(self._circuit): qudits_to_skip: list[int] = [] for i, op in enumerate(cycle[qudit_index:]): if op is None or i + qudit_index in qudits_to_skip: continue shifted_location = [shift_index(i) for i in op.location] op._location = CircuitLocation(shifted_location) qudits_to_skip.extend(op.location) # Shift _front, _rear, _graph_info, _dag self._front = { shift_index(q): shift_point_or_none(p) for q, p in self._front.items() if q != qudit_index } self._rear = { shift_index(q): shift_point_or_none(p) for q, p in self._rear.items() if q != qudit_index } self._graph_info = { shift_edge(e): i for e, i in self._graph_info.items() } self._dag = { shift_point(p): ( # Prev { shift_index(q): shift_point_or_none(p2) for q, p2 in ptr_map[0].items() }, # Next { shift_index(q): shift_point_or_none(p2) for q, p2 in ptr_map[1].items() }, ) for p, ptr_map in self._dag.items() }
[docs] def is_qudit_in_range(self, qudit_index: int) -> bool: """Return true if `qudit_index` is in-range for the circuit.""" if not is_integer(qudit_index): raise TypeError( f'Expected integer for qudit_index, got: {type(qudit_index)}', ) return ( qudit_index < self.num_qudits and qudit_index >= -self.num_qudits )
[docs] def is_qudit_idle(self, qudit_index: int) -> bool: """Return true if the qudit is not involved in any operations.""" if not is_integer(qudit_index): raise TypeError( f'Expected integer for qudit_index, got: {type(qudit_index)}', ) return self._front[qudit_index] is None
[docs] def renumber_qudits(self, qudit_permutation: Sequence[int]) -> None: """ Permute the qudits in the circuit. Args: qudit_permutation (Sequence[int]): A map from qudit indices to qudit indices. Raises: IndexError: If any of the indices are out of range. ValueError: If the `qudit_permutation` is not the same size as the circuit. ValueError: If the `qudit_permutation` is not a valid permutation. """ if not is_sequence_of_int(qudit_permutation): raise TypeError( 'Expected sequence of integers' ', got %s' % type(qudit_permutation), ) if len(qudit_permutation) != self.num_qudits: raise ValueError( 'Expected qudit_permutation length equal to circuit num_qudits:' '%d, got %d' % (self.num_qudits, len(qudit_permutation)), ) if len(qudit_permutation) != len(set(qudit_permutation)): raise ValueError('Invalid permutation.') perm = [int(q) for q in qudit_permutation] perm_point = lambda p: CircuitPoint(p.cycle, perm[p.qudit]) perm_point_or_none = lambda p: perm_point(p) if p is not None else p self._graph_info = { (perm[e[0]], perm[e[1]]): i for e, i in self._graph_info.items() } self._front = { perm[i]: perm_point_or_none(p) for i, p in self._front.items() } self._rear = { perm[i]: perm_point_or_none(p) for i, p in self._rear.items() } self._dag = { perm_point(p): ( # Prev { perm[q]: perm_point_or_none(p2) for q, p2 in ptr_map[0].items() }, # Next { perm[q]: perm_point_or_none(p2) for q, p2 in ptr_map[1].items() }, ) for p, ptr_map in self._dag.items() } for i in range(self.num_cycles): self._circuit[i] = [ self._circuit[i][perm.index(q)] for q in range(self.num_qudits) ] qudits_to_skip: list[int] = [] for j in range(self.num_qudits): if j in qudits_to_skip: continue op = self._circuit[i][j] if op is not None: loc = CircuitLocation([perm[q] for q in op.location]) op._location = loc qudits_to_skip.extend(loc)
# endregion # region Cycle Methods def _append_cycle(self) -> None: """Appends an idle cycle to the end of the circuit.""" self._circuit.append([None] * self.num_qudits) def _insert_cycle(self, cycle_index: int) -> None: """Inserts an idle cycle in the circuit.""" self._circuit.insert(cycle_index, [None] * self.num_qudits) inc_point = lambda p: CircuitPoint(p.cycle + 1, p.qudit) shift_point = lambda p: p if p.cycle < cycle_index else inc_point(p) shift_point_or_none = lambda p: None if p is None else shift_point(p) self._front = { q: shift_point_or_none(p) for q, p in self._front.items() } self._rear = { q: shift_point_or_none(p) for q, p in self._rear.items() } self._dag = { shift_point(p): ( # Prev { q: shift_point_or_none(p2) for q, p2 in prevs.items() }, # Next { q: shift_point_or_none(p2) for q, p2 in nexts.items() }, ) for p, (prevs, nexts) in self._dag.items() }
[docs] def pop_cycle(self, cycle_index: int) -> None: """ Pop a cycle from the circuit and all operations in it. Args: cycle_index (int): The index of the cycle to pop. Raises: IndexError: If `cycle_index` is out of range. """ if not is_integer(cycle_index): raise TypeError( f'Expected integer for cycle_index, got: {type(cycle_index)}', ) if not self.is_cycle_in_range(cycle_index): raise IndexError(f'Cycle index ({cycle_index}) is out-of-range.') ops = {op for op in self._circuit[cycle_index] if op is not None} points = [(cycle_index, op.location[0]) for op in ops] if len(points) != 0: for point in points: self.pop(point) return self._circuit.pop(cycle_index) if cycle_index == -1 or cycle_index == self.num_cycles: return dec_point = lambda p: CircuitPoint(p.cycle - 1, p.qudit) shift_point = lambda p: p if p.cycle < cycle_index else dec_point(p) shift_point_or_none = lambda p: None if p is None else shift_point(p) self._front = { q: shift_point_or_none(p) for q, p in self._front.items() } self._rear = { q: shift_point_or_none(p) for q, p in self._rear.items() } self._dag = { shift_point(p): ( # Prev { q: shift_point_or_none(p2) for q, p2 in ptr_map[0].items() }, # Next { q: shift_point_or_none(p2) for q, p2 in ptr_map[1].items() }, ) for p, ptr_map in self._dag.items() }
def _is_cycle_idle(self, cycle_index: int) -> bool: """Return true if the cycle is idle, that is it contains no gates.""" return all(op is None for op in self._circuit[cycle_index])
[docs] def is_cycle_in_range(self, cycle_index: int) -> bool: """Return true if cycle is a valid in-range index in the circuit.""" if not is_integer(cycle_index): raise TypeError( f'Expected integer for cycle_index, got: {type(cycle_index)}', ) return ( cycle_index < self.num_cycles and cycle_index >= -self.num_cycles )
[docs] def is_cycle_unoccupied( self, cycle_index: int, location: CircuitLocationLike, ) -> bool: """ Check if a cycle is unoccupied for all qudits in `location`. Args: cycle_index (int): The cycle to check. location (CircuitLocationLike): The set of qudits to check. Returns: bool: True if the `cycle_index` at `location` is unoccupied. Raises: IndexError: If `cycle_index` is out of range. Examples: >>> from import HGate, XGate, ZGate >>> circuit = Circuit(2) >>> circuit.append_gate(HGate(), [0]) >>> circuit.append_gate(XGate(), [0]) >>> circuit.append_gate(ZGate(), [1]) >>> circuit.is_cycle_unoccupied(0, [0]) False >>> circuit.is_cycle_unoccupied(1, [1]) True """ if not is_integer(cycle_index): raise TypeError( 'Expected integer for cycle_index, got: %s', type(cycle_index), ) if not CircuitLocation.is_location(location): raise TypeError('Invalid location.') if not self.is_cycle_in_range(cycle_index): raise IndexError('Out-of-range cycle index: %d.' % cycle_index) location = CircuitLocation(location) if max(location) > self.num_qudits: raise ValueError('Location has an out-of-range qudit index.') for qudit_index in location: if self._circuit[cycle_index][qudit_index] is not None: return False return True
[docs] def find_available_cycle(self, location: CircuitLocationLike) -> int: """ Finds the first available cycle for qudits in `location`. An available cycle for `location` is one where it and all cycles after it are unoccupied for `location`. Args: localtion (CircuitLocationLike): Find a cycle for this location. Returns: int: The first available cycle. Raises: ValueError: If no available cycle exists. Examples: >>> from import HGate, XGate, ZGate >>> circuit = Circuit(2) >>> circuit.append_gate(HGate(), [0]) >>> circuit.find_available_cycle([1]) 0 >>> circuit.append_gate(XGate(), [0]) >>> circuit.append_gate(ZGate(), [1]) >>> circuit.find_available_cycle([1]) 1 """ location = CircuitLocation(location) if max(location) > self.num_qudits: raise ValueError('Location has an out-of-range qudit index.') # No available cycle if self.num_cycles == 0: return 0 cycle = 0 for q in location: rear = self._rear[q] if rear is not None: cycle = max(cycle, rear.cycle + 1) return cycle
def _find_available_or_append_cycle( self, location: CircuitLocationLike, ) -> int: """Find the first available cycle, if none exists append one.""" available_cycle = self.find_available_cycle(location) # If no available cycle if available_cycle == self.num_cycles: self._append_cycle() return self.num_cycles - 1 return available_cycle # endregion # region Point Methods
[docs] def is_point_in_range(self, point: CircuitPointLike) -> bool: """Return true if `point` is a valid in-range index in the circuit.""" if not CircuitPoint.is_point(point): raise TypeError(f'Expected CircuitPoint, got: {type(point)}.') return ( self.is_cycle_in_range(point[0]) and self.is_qudit_in_range(point[1]) )
[docs] def is_point_idle(self, point: CircuitPointLike) -> bool: """Return true if an operation does not exist at `point`.""" if not CircuitPoint.is_point(point): raise TypeError(f'Expected CircuitPoint, got {type(point)}.') return self._circuit[point[0]][point[1]] is None
[docs] def normalize_point(self, point: CircuitPointLike) -> CircuitPoint: """Flip negative indices to positive indices.""" if not self.is_point_in_range(point): raise IndexError('Out-of-range point.') cycle = point[0] if point[0] >= 0 else self.num_cycles + point[0] qudit = point[1] if point[1] >= 0 else self.num_qudits + point[1] return CircuitPoint(cycle, qudit)
# endregion # region DAG Methods @property def front(self) -> set[CircuitPoint]: """The positions of operations with no dependencies.""" front_set = set() for point in self._front.values(): if point is not None and len(self.prev(point)) == 0: front_set.add(point) return front_set @property def rear(self) -> set[CircuitPoint]: """The positions of operations with nothing after them.""" rear_set = set() for point in self._rear.values(): if point is not None and len( == 0: rear_set.add(point) return rear_set
[docs] def last_on(self, qudit: int) -> CircuitPoint | None: """Report the point for the last operation on `qudit` if it exists.""" return self._rear[qudit]
[docs] def first_on(self, qudit: int) -> CircuitPoint | None: """Report the point for the first operation on `qudit` if it exists.""" return self._front[qudit]
[docs] def next(self, point: CircuitPoint) -> set[CircuitPoint]: """Return the points of operations dependent on the one at `point`.""" return {p for p in self._dag[point][1].values() if p is not None}
[docs] def prev(self, point: CircuitPoint) -> set[CircuitPoint]: """Return the points of operations the one at `point` depends on.""" return {p for p in self._dag[point][0].values() if p is not None}
# endregion # region Operation/Gate/Circuit Methods
[docs] def check_valid_operation(self, op: Operation) -> None: """Check that `op` can be applied to the circuit.""" if not isinstance(op, Operation): raise TypeError('Expected Operation got %s.' % type(op)) if not all([qudit < self.num_qudits for qudit in op.location]): raise ValueError('Operation location mismatch with Circuit.') for op_radix, circ_radix_idx in zip(op.radixes, op.location): if op_radix != self.radixes[circ_radix_idx]: raise ValueError('Operation radix mismatch with Circuit.')
[docs] def get_operation(self, point: CircuitPointLike) -> Operation: """ Retrieve the operation at the `point`. Args: point (CircuitPointLike): The circuit point position of the operation. Raises: IndexError: If no operation exists at the point specified. Returns: Operation: The operation at `point`. Examples: >>> from import HGate, CNOTGate >>> circuit = Circuit(2) >>> circuit.append_gate(HGate(), [0]) >>> circuit.append_gate(CNOTGate(), [0, 1]) >>> circuit.get_operation((1, 0)) CNOTGate@(0, 1) """ if not self.is_point_in_range(point): raise IndexError('Out-of-range or invalid point.') op = self._circuit[point[0]][point[1]] if op is None: raise IndexError( 'No operation exists at the specified point: %s.' % str(point), ) return op
[docs] def point( self, op: Operation | Gate, start: CircuitPointLike = (0, 0), end: CircuitPointLike | None = None, ) -> CircuitPoint: """ Return point of the first occurrence of `op`. Args: op (Operation | Gate): The operation or gate to find. start (CircuitPointLike): Circuit point to start searching from. Inclusive. (Default: Beginning of the circuit.) end (CircuitPointLike | None): Cycle index to stop searching at. Inclusive. (Default: End of the circuit.) Returns: CircuitPoint: The first point that contains `op`. Raises: ValueError: If `op` is not found. ValueError: If `op` could not have been placed on the circuit due to either an invalid location or gate radix mismatch. Examples: >>> from import HGate, XGate >>> circuit = Circuit(1) >>> opH = Operation(HGate(), [0]) >>> circuit.append(opH) >>> circuit.point(opH) (0, 0) >>> opX = Operation(XGate(), [0]) >>> circuit.append(opX) >>> circuit.point(opX) (1, 0) """ if not isinstance(op, (Operation, Gate)): raise TypeError(f'Expected gate or operation, got {type(op)}.') end = end if end is not None else (-1, -1) start = self.normalize_point(start) end = self.normalize_point(end) if isinstance(op, Operation): self.check_valid_operation(op) if op.gate not in self._gate_info: raise ValueError('No such operation exists in the circuit.') elif isinstance(op, Gate): if op not in self._gate_info: raise ValueError('No such operation exists in the circuit.') if not self.is_point_in_range(start): raise IndexError('Out-of-range or invalid start point.') if not self.is_point_in_range(end): raise IndexError('Out-of-range or invalid end point.') if isinstance(op, Operation): qudit_index = op.location[0] for i, cycle in enumerate(self._circuit[start[0]:end[0] + 1]): if cycle[qudit_index] is not None and cycle[qudit_index] == op: return CircuitPoint(start[0] + i, qudit_index) else: for i, cycle in enumerate(self._circuit[start[0]:end[0] + 1]): for q, _op in enumerate(cycle[start[1]:end[1] + 1]): if _op is not None and _op.gate == op: return CircuitPoint(start[0] + i, start[1] + q) raise ValueError('No such operation exists in the circuit.')
[docs] def append(self, op: Operation) -> int: """ Append `op` to the end of the circuit and return its cycle index. Args: op (Operation): The operation to append. Returns: int: The cycle index of the appended operation. Raises: ValueError: If `op` cannot be placed on the circuit due to either an invalid location or gate radix mismatch. Notes: Due to the circuit being represented as a matrix, `circuit.append(op)` does not imply `op` is last in simulation order but it implies `op` is in the last cycle of circuit. Examples: >>> from import HGate >>> circ = Circuit(1) >>> op = Operation(HGate(), [0]) >>> circ.append(op) # Appends a Hadamard gate to qudit 0. """ self.check_valid_operation(op) cycle_index = self._find_available_or_append_cycle(op.location) point = CircuitPoint(cycle_index, op.location[0]) prevs: dict[int, CircuitPoint | None] = {i: None for i in op.location} for qudit_index in op.location: # Add op to the circuit structure self._circuit[cycle_index][qudit_index] = op # Update necessary gates already in _dag to point to this one rear = self._rear[qudit_index] if rear is not None: prevs[qudit_index] = rear self._dag[rear][1][qudit_index] = point # Update rear pointers self._rear[qudit_index] = point # Update front pointers if self._front[qudit_index] is None: self._front[qudit_index] = point # Add new op to the dag self._dag[point] = (prevs, {i: None for i in op.location}) # Update _graph_info for pair in op.location.pairs: if pair not in self._graph_info: self._graph_info[pair] = 0 self._graph_info[pair] += 1 # Update _gate_info if op.gate not in self._gate_info: self._gate_info[op.gate] = 0 self._gate_info[op.gate] += 1 return cycle_index
[docs] def append_gate( self, gate: Gate, location: CircuitLocationLike, params: RealVector = [], ) -> int: """ Append the gate object to the circuit on the qudits in location. Args: gate (Gate): The gate to append. location (CircuitLocationLike): Apply the gate to these qudits. params (RealVector): The gate's parameters. (Default: all zeros) Returns: int: The cycle index of the appended gate. Examples: >>> from import HGate >>> circ = Circuit(1) >>> # Append a Hadamard gate to qudit 0. >>> circ.append_gate(HGate(), 0) See Also: :func:`append` """ return self.append(Operation(gate, location, params))
[docs] def append_circuit( self, circuit: Circuit, location: CircuitLocationLike, as_circuit_gate: bool = False, move: bool = False, ) -> int: """ Append `circuit` at the qudit location specified. Args: circuit (Circuit): The circuit to append. location (CircuitLocationLike): Apply the circuit to these qudits. as_circuit_gate (bool): If true, append `circuit` as a unit block (CircuitGate) rather than each operation in `circuit` individually. (Default: False) move (bool): Move circuit into circuit gate rather than copy. (Default: False) Returns: int: The starting cycle index of the appended circuit. If the appended circuit is empty, then this will be -1. Raises: ValueError: If `circuit` is not the same size as `location`. See Also: :func:`append` """ if not isinstance(circuit, Circuit): raise TypeError('Expected circuit, got %s.' % type(circuit)) if not CircuitLocation.is_location(location): raise TypeError('Invalid location.') location = CircuitLocation(location) if not is_bool(as_circuit_gate): raise TypeError(f'Expected bool, got: {type(as_circuit_gate)}.') if circuit.num_qudits != len(location): raise ValueError('Circuit and location size mismatch.') if as_circuit_gate: op = Operation(CircuitGate(circuit, move), location, circuit.params) return self.append(op) cycle_index = -1 for op in circuit: mapped_location = [location[q] for q in op.location] ci = self.append(Operation(op.gate, mapped_location, op.params)) if cycle_index is None: cycle_index = ci return cycle_index
[docs] def extend(self, ops: Iterable[Operation]) -> None: """ Append all operations in `ops` to the circuit. Args: ops (Operation): The operations to append. Examples: >>> from import HGate, XGate >>> circ = Circuit(1) >>> opH = Operation(HGate(), [0]) >>> opX = Operation(XGate(), [0]) >>> circ.extend([opH, opX]) >>> circ.point(opH) (0, 0) >>> circ.point(opX) (1, 0) Notes: See `append` for more info. """ for op in ops: self.append(op)
[docs] def insert(self, cycle_index: int, op: Operation) -> None: """ Insert `op` in the circuit at the specified cycle. After this, if cycle was in range, you can expect: `all([self[cycle_index, idx] == op for idx in op.location])` Unless cycle_index was out-of-bounds, in which case, it will be appended ASAP rather than inserted. Args: cycle_index (int): The cycle to insert the operation. op (Operation): The operation to insert. Raises: ValueError: If `op` cannot be placed on the circuit due to either an invalid location or gate radix mismatch. Examples: >>> from import HGate, XGate >>> circ = Circuit(1) >>> opX = Operation(XGate(), [0]) >>> opH = Operation(HGate(), [0]) >>> circ.append(opX) >>> circ.insert(0, opH) >>> circ.point(opH).cycle 0 Notes: Clamps cycle to be in range. """ self.check_valid_operation(op) if self.num_cycles == 0: self.append(op) return if not self.is_cycle_in_range(cycle_index): if cycle_index < -self.num_cycles: cycle_index = 0 else: self.append(op) return if cycle_index < 0: cycle_index = self.num_cycles + cycle_index if not self.is_cycle_unoccupied(cycle_index, op.location): self._insert_cycle(cycle_index) point = CircuitPoint(cycle_index, op.location[0]) prevs: dict[int, CircuitPoint | None] = {i: None for i in op.location} nexts: dict[int, CircuitPoint | None] = {i: None for i in op.location} for qudit_index in op.location: # Update front pointers if necessary if self._front[qudit_index] is None: self._front[qudit_index] = point # Update rear pointers if necessary if self._rear[qudit_index] is None: self._rear[qudit_index] = point # Search to left of cycle_index on qudit_index for c in reversed(range(cycle_index)): prev_op = self._circuit[c][qudit_index] # Find first op on qudit_index if prev_op is not None: prev_point = CircuitPoint(c, prev_op.location[0]) # Update its next to be this self._dag[prev_point][1][qudit_index] = point # Add it to this prev prevs[qudit_index] = prev_point # Stop searching to left break # Search to right of cycle_index on qudit_index for c in range(cycle_index, self.num_cycles): next_op = self._circuit[c][qudit_index] # Find first op on qudit_index if next_op is not None: next_point = CircuitPoint(c, next_op.location[0]) # Update its prev to be this self._dag[next_point][0][qudit_index] = point # Add it to this next nexts[qudit_index] = next_point # Stop searching to right break # Update _front if this is new front for qudit_index, _prev_point in prevs.items(): if _prev_point is None: self._front[qudit_index] = point # Update _rear if this is new rear for qudit_index, _next_point in nexts.items(): if _next_point is None: self._rear[qudit_index] = point # Add this to _dag self._dag[point] = (prevs, nexts) # Add op to the circuit structure for qudit_index in op.location: self._circuit[cycle_index][qudit_index] = op # Update _graph_info for pair in op.location.pairs: if pair not in self._graph_info: self._graph_info[pair] = 0 self._graph_info[pair] += 1 # Update _gate_info if op.gate not in self._gate_info: self._gate_info[op.gate] = 0 self._gate_info[op.gate] += 1
[docs] def insert_gate( self, cycle_index: int, gate: Gate, location: CircuitLocationLike, params: RealVector = [], ) -> None: """ Insert the gate object in the circuit on the qudits in location. After this, if cycle was in range, you can expect: `all([self[cycle_index, idx].gate == gate for idx in location])` Args: cycle_index (int): The cycle to insert the gate. gate (Gate): The gate to insert. location (CircuitLocationLike): Apply the gate to this set of qudits. params (RealVector): The gate's parameters. Raises: IndexError: If the specified cycle doesn't exist. ValueError: If `gate` cannot be placed on the circuit due to either an invalid location or gate radix mismatch. See Also: :func:`insert` """ self.insert(cycle_index, Operation(gate, location, params))
[docs] def insert_circuit( self, cycle_index: int, circuit: Circuit, location: CircuitLocationLike, as_circuit_gate: bool = False, move: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Insert `circuit` at the cycle and location specified. Args: cycle_index (int): The cycle to insert the circuit. circuit (Circuit): The circuit to insert. location (CircuitLocationLike): Apply the circuit to these qudits. as_circuit_gate (bool): If true, append `circuit` as a unit block (CircuitGate) rather than each operation in `circuit` individually. (Default: False) move (bool): Move circuit into circuit gate rather than copy. (Default: False) Raises: ValueError: If `circuit` is not the same size as `location`. See Also: :func:`insert` """ if not is_integer(cycle_index): raise TypeError( f'Expected integer cycle index, got: {cycle_index}.', ) if not is_bool(as_circuit_gate): raise TypeError(f'Expected bool, got: {type(as_circuit_gate)}.') if not CircuitLocation.is_location(location): raise TypeError('Invalid location.') location = CircuitLocation(location) if circuit.num_qudits != len(location): raise ValueError('Circuit and location size mismatch.') if as_circuit_gate: op = Operation(CircuitGate(circuit, move), location, circuit.params) self.insert(cycle_index, op) return for op in reversed(circuit): mapped_location = [location[q] for q in op.location] self.insert( cycle_index, Operation(op.gate, mapped_location, op.params), )
[docs] def remove(self, op: Operation | Gate) -> None: """ Removes the first occurrence of `op` in the circuit. Args: op (Operation | Gate): The Operation or Gate to remove. Raises: ValueError: If the `op` doesn't exist in the circuit. ValueError: If `op` could not have been placed on the circuit due to either an invalid location or gate radix mismatch. Examples: >>> from import HGate >>> circ = Circuit(1) >>> op = Operation(HGate(), [0]) >>> circ.append(op) >>> circ.num_operations 1 >>> circ.remove(op) >>> circ.num_operations 0 See Also: :func:`remove_all` """ self.pop(self.point(op))
[docs] def remove_all(self, op: Operation | Gate) -> None: """ Removes the all occurrences of `op` in the circuit. Args: op (Operation | Gate): The Operation or Gate to remove. Raises: ValueError: If the `op` doesn't exist in the circuit. ValueError: If `op` could not have been placed on the circuit due to either an invalid location or gate radix mismatch. See Also: :func:`remove` """ while True: try: self.pop(self.point(op)) except (ValueError, IndexError): break
[docs] def count(self, op: Operation | Gate) -> int: """ Count the number of times `op` occurs in the circuit. Args: op (Operation | Gate): The operation or gate to count. Raises: ValueError: If `op` could not have been placed on the circuit due to either an invalid location or gate radix mismatch. Examples: >>> from import HGate >>> circ = Circuit(1) >>> op = Operation(HGate(), [0]) >>> circ.append(op) >>> circ.count(op) 1 >>> circ.append(op) >>> circ.count(op) 2 """ count = 0 if isinstance(op, Operation): self.check_valid_operation(op) if op.gate not in self._gate_info: return 0 qudit_index = op.location[0] for _op in self.operations(qudits_or_region=[qudit_index]): if _op == op: count += 1 elif isinstance(op, Gate): if op not in self._gate_info: return 0 return self._gate_info[op] else: raise TypeError('Expected gate or operation, got %s.' % type(op)) return count
[docs] def pop(self, point: CircuitPointLike | None = None) -> Operation: """ Pop the operation at `point`, defaults to last operation. Args: point (CircuitPointLike | None): The cycle and qudit index to pop from. Returns: Operation: The popped operation is returned. Raises: IndexError: If the `point` is out-of-range, or if no operation exists at `point`. Examples: >>> from import HGate >>> circ = Circuit(1) >>> circ.append_gate(HGate(), [0]) >>> circ.num_operations 1 >>> circ.pop((0, 0)) HGate@(0,) >>> circ.num_operations 0 """ # Use given point if point is not None: if not self.is_point_in_range(point): raise IndexError('Out-of-range point: %s.' % str(point)) # Or find last gate in simulation order else: cycle_index = self.num_cycles - 1 for i, op in enumerate(reversed(self._circuit[cycle_index])): if op is not None: point = (cycle_index, self.num_qudits - 1 - i) break if point is None: raise IndexError('Pop from empty circuit.') op = self[point] point = self.normalize_point(point) point = CircuitPoint(point[0], op.location[0]) # Remove it from _dag prevs, nexts = self._dag[point] for q in op.location: prev = prevs[q] if prev is not None: self._dag[prev][1][q] = nexts[q] next = nexts[q] if next is not None: self._dag[next][0][q] = prevs[q] if self._front[q] == point: self._front[q] = nexts[q] if self._rear[q] == point: self._rear[q] = prevs[q] self._dag.pop(point) # Remove it from _circuit for qudit_index in op.location: self._circuit[point[0]][qudit_index] = None if self._is_cycle_idle(point.cycle): self.pop_cycle(point.cycle) # Update gate and graph counts self._gate_info[op.gate] -= 1 if self._gate_info[op.gate] <= 0: self._gate_info.pop(op.gate) for pair in op.location.pairs: self._graph_info[pair] -= 1 if self._graph_info[pair] <= 0: self._graph_info.pop(pair) return op
[docs] def batch_pop(self, points: Iterable[CircuitPointLike]) -> Circuit: """ Pop all operatons at `points` at once. Args: points (Iterable[CircuitPointLike]): Remove operations at these points all at the same time. Returns: Circuit: The circuit formed from all the popped operations. Raises: IndexError: If any of `points` are out-of-range. IndexError: If all of `points` are invalid. """ if not all(self.is_point_in_range(point) for point in points): raise IndexError('Out-of-range point.') # Sort points points = [self.normalize_point(point) for point in points] points = [p for p in points if not self.is_point_idle(p)] ops_and_cycles = {(self[point], point[0]) for point in points} ops_and_cycles = sorted(list(ops_and_cycles), key=lambda x: x[1]) if len(points) == 0: raise IndexError('Must batch pop at least one point.') # Pop from circuit for op, cycle in reversed(ops_and_cycles): self.pop((cycle, op.location[0])) # Form new circuit and return ops = [op for op, _ in ops_and_cycles] qudits = list(set(sum((tuple(op.location) for op in ops), ()))) qudits = sorted(qudits) radixes = [self.radixes[q] for q in qudits] circuit = Circuit(len(radixes), radixes) for op in ops: location = [qudits.index(q) for q in op.location] circuit.append(Operation(op.gate, location, op.params)) return circuit
[docs] def replace(self, point: CircuitPointLike, op: Operation) -> None: """ Replace the operation at `point` with `op`. Args: point (CircuitPointLike): The index of the operation to replace. op (Operation): The to-be-inserted operation. Raises: IndexError: If there is no operation at `point`. ValueError: If `op` cannot be placed on the circuit due to either an invalid location or gate radix mismatch. ValueError: If `point.qudit` is not in `op.location` """ if len(self[point].location.intersection(op.location)) == 0: raise ValueError("Point's qudit is not in operation's location.") old_op = self._circuit[point[0]][point[1]] if old_op is not None and set(old_op.location) == set(op.location): if old_op.location[0] != op.location[0]: old_point = CircuitPoint(point[0], old_op.location[0]) new_point = CircuitPoint(point[0], op.location[0]) prevs, nexts = self._dag[old_point] for q in old_op.location: if self._front[q] == old_point: self._front[q] = new_point if self._rear[q] == old_point: self._rear[q] = new_point prev = prevs[q] if prev is not None: self._dag[prev][1][q] = new_point next = nexts[q] if next is not None: self._dag[next][0][q] = new_point self._dag[new_point] = self._dag[old_point] self._dag.pop(old_point) self._gate_info[old_op.gate] -= 1 if self._gate_info[old_op.gate] <= 0: self._gate_info.pop(old_op.gate) if op.gate not in self._gate_info: self._gate_info[op.gate] = 0 self._gate_info[op.gate] += 1 for q in old_op.location: self._circuit[point[0]][q] = op return self.pop(point) self.insert(point[0], op)
[docs] def batch_replace( self, points: Sequence[CircuitPointLike], ops: Sequence[Operation], ) -> None: """ Replace the operations at `points` with `ops`. Args: points (Sequence[CircuitPointLike]): The indices of the operations to replace. ops (Sequence[Operation]): The to-be-inserted operations. Raises: IndexError: If there is no operation at some point. ValueError: If any op cannot be placed on the circuit due to either an invalid location or gate radix mismatch. ValueError: If any `point.qudit` is not in `op.location` ValueError: If `points` and `ops` have different lengths. """ if len(points) != len(ops): raise ValueError('Points and Ops have different lengths.') points_and_ops = sorted(zip(points, ops), key=lambda x: x[0][0]) num_cycles = self.num_cycles for point, op in points_and_ops: shrink_amount = num_cycles - self.num_cycles shifted_point = (point[0] - shrink_amount, point[1]) self.replace(shifted_point, op)
[docs] def replace_gate( self, point: CircuitPointLike, gate: Gate, location: CircuitLocationLike, params: RealVector = [], ) -> None: """Replace the operation at 'point' with `gate`.""" self.replace(point, Operation(gate, location, params))
[docs] def replace_with_circuit( self, point: CircuitPointLike, circuit: Circuit, as_circuit_gate: bool = False, move: bool = False, ) -> None: """Replace the operation at 'point' with `circuit`.""" op = self.pop(point) if circuit.num_qudits != op.num_qudits: raise ValueError('Cannot replace operation with circuit.') if circuit.radixes != tuple(self.radixes[x] for x in op.location): raise ValueError('Cannot replace operation with circuit.') self.insert_circuit( point[0], circuit, op.location, as_circuit_gate, move, )
[docs] def copy(self) -> Circuit: """Return a deep copy of this circuit.""" circuit = Circuit(self.num_qudits, self.radixes) circuit._circuit = copy.deepcopy(self._circuit) circuit._gate_info = copy.deepcopy(self._gate_info) circuit._graph_info = copy.deepcopy(self._graph_info) circuit._front = copy.deepcopy(self._front) circuit._rear = copy.deepcopy(self._rear) circuit._dag = copy.deepcopy(self._dag) return circuit
[docs] def become(self, circuit: Circuit, deepcopy: bool = True) -> None: """Become a copy of `circuit`.""" if deepcopy: self._num_qudits = circuit.num_qudits self._radixes = circuit.radixes self._circuit = copy.deepcopy(circuit._circuit) self._gate_info = copy.deepcopy(circuit._gate_info) self._graph_info = copy.deepcopy(circuit._graph_info) self._front = copy.deepcopy(circuit._front) self._rear = copy.deepcopy(circuit._rear) self._dag = copy.deepcopy(circuit._dag) else: self._num_qudits = circuit.num_qudits self._radixes = circuit.radixes self._circuit = copy.copy(circuit._circuit) self._gate_info = copy.copy(circuit._gate_info) self._graph_info = copy.copy(circuit._graph_info) self._front = copy.copy(circuit._front) self._rear = copy.copy(circuit._rear) self._dag = copy.copy(circuit._dag)
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """Clear the circuit.""" self._circuit = [] self._gate_info = {} self._graph_info = {} self._front = {i: None for i in range(self.num_qudits)} self._rear = {i: None for i in range(self.num_qudits)} self._dag = {}
[docs] def compress(self) -> None: """Compress the circuit's cycles.""" compressed_circuit = Circuit(self.num_qudits, self.radixes) for op in self: compressed_circuit.append(op) self.become(compressed_circuit)
# endregion # region Region Methods
[docs] def is_valid_region( self, region: CircuitRegionLike, strict: bool = False, ) -> bool: """Return true if `region` is valid in the context of this circuit.""" try: self.check_region(region, strict) except ValueError: return False return True
[docs] def check_region( self, region: CircuitRegionLike, strict: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Check `region` to be a valid in the context of this circuit. Args: region (CircuitRegionLike): The region to check. strict (bool): If True, fail on any disconnect, even if there are no gates in the disconnect. (Default: False) Raises: ValueError: If `region` includes qudits not in the circuit, or if the region is too large for the circuit. ValueError: If the region cannot be folded due to a possible change to simulation order. This can happen when the region is disconnected between qudits and outside gates occur in the disconnect. """ if not CircuitRegion.is_region(region): raise TypeError(f'Expected a CircuitRegion, got: {type(region)}.') region = CircuitRegion(region) if not CircuitLocation.is_location(region.location, self.num_qudits): raise ValueError('Region circuit location mismatch.') if region.max_cycle >= self.num_cycles: raise ValueError( 'Region goes off circuit; ' f'circuit only has {self.num_cycles} cycles, ' f"but region's maximum cycle is {region.max_cycle}.", ) for qudit_index, cycle_intervals in region.items(): for other_qudit_index, other_cycle_intervals in region.items(): if cycle_intervals.overlaps(other_cycle_intervals): continue involved_qudits = {qudit_index} min_index = min( cycle_intervals.upper, other_cycle_intervals.upper, ) max_index = max( cycle_intervals.lower, other_cycle_intervals.lower, ) for cycle_index in range(min_index + 1, max_index): try: ops = self[cycle_index, involved_qudits] except IndexError: continue if strict: raise ValueError('Disconnect detected in region.') if any(other_qudit_index in op.location for op in ops): raise ValueError( 'Disconnected region has excluded gate in middle.', ) for op in ops: involved_qudits.update(op.location)
[docs] def straighten( self, region: CircuitRegionLike, ) -> tuple[CircuitRegion, int, CircuitRegion]: """ Push gates back so the region has a single starting cycle. Args: region (CircuitRegionLike): The region to straighten. Returns: (tuple[CircuitRegion, int, CircuitRegion]): Statistics on how gates where moved to straighten this region. The first return value is the straightened region. The second integer return value is the net number of new cycles inserted at `region.min_cycle`. The last return value is the shadow region, or the portion of the middle region which did not move. See the Notes for more info. Raises: ValueError: If the region is invalid, see `circuit.check_region`. Notes: When isolating a region, the circuit is divided into three parts by `region.min_cycle` and `region.max_min_cycle`. The left region is left unchanged and the right region potentially moves to the right. Gates in the middle can either be moved to the right or left unchanged depending on their location. The last return value describes the cycle-qudits that did not move from the middle portion. """ if len(region) == 0: return CircuitRegion({}), 0, CircuitRegion({}) self.check_region(region) region = self.downsize_region(region) # Add idle cycles to create space shadow_length = region.max_min_cycle - region.min_cycle shadow_start = region.min_cycle for i in range(shadow_length): self._insert_cycle(shadow_start) region = region.shift_right(shadow_length) # Track region shadow and move gates idle_cycles: list[int] = [] shadow_qudits: set[int] = set(region.keys()) # shadow_map = {qudit: region[qudit].lower for qudit in shadow_qudits} shadow_map = { qudit: min( region.min_cycle - 1, region[qudit].upper - shadow_length, ) for qudit in shadow_qudits } for i in range(shadow_length): old_cycle_index = region.max_min_cycle - 1 - i new_cycle_index = region.min_cycle - 1 - i gate_moved = False qudits_to_add_to_shadow: list[int] = [] for qudit_index in shadow_qudits: if ( qudit_index not in region or old_cycle_index < region[qudit_index][0] ): op = self._circuit[old_cycle_index][qudit_index] if op is not None: gate_moved = True s_point = CircuitPoint(old_cycle_index, op.location[0]) d_point = CircuitPoint(new_cycle_index, op.location[0]) prevs, nexts = self._dag[s_point] for qudit in op.location: self._circuit[new_cycle_index][qudit] = op self._circuit[old_cycle_index][qudit] = None prev = prevs[qudit] if prev is not None: self._dag[prev][1][qudit] = d_point next = nexts[qudit] if next is not None: self._dag[next][0][qudit] = d_point if self._front[qudit] == s_point: self._front[qudit] = d_point if self._rear[qudit] == s_point: self._rear[qudit] = d_point self._dag.pop(s_point) self._dag[d_point] = (prevs, nexts) qudits_to_add_to_shadow.extend(op.location) shadow_qudits.update(qudits_to_add_to_shadow) for qudit in shadow_qudits: if qudit not in shadow_map: shadow_map[qudit] = new_cycle_index if not gate_moved: idle_cycles.append(new_cycle_index) for i, cycle_index in enumerate(sorted(idle_cycles)): self.pop_cycle(cycle_index - i) region = region.shift_left(len(idle_cycles)) # Prep output region = CircuitRegion({ qudit_index: (region.min_cycle, region[qudit_index][1]) for qudit_index in region }) net_new_cycles = shadow_length - len(idle_cycles) shadow_region = CircuitRegion({ qudit_index: (shadow_start, shadow_map[qudit_index]) for qudit_index in shadow_qudits if shadow_start <= shadow_map[qudit_index] }) return region, net_new_cycles, shadow_region
[docs] def fold(self, region: CircuitRegionLike) -> CircuitPoint: """ Fold the specified `region` into a CircuitGate. Args: region (CircuitRegionLike): The region to fold into a CircuitGate. Returns: (CircuitPoint): The resulting CircuitGate's location. Raises: ValueError: If `region` is invalid or cannot be straightened. """ if len(region) == 0: raise ValueError('Empty region cannot be folded.') region = self.straighten(region)[0] circuit = self.batch_pop(region.points) # Insert popped circuit as a CircuitGate self.insert_circuit( region.min_cycle, circuit, sorted(list(region.keys())), True, ) return CircuitPoint(region.min_cycle, region.min_qudit)
[docs] def unfold(self, point: CircuitPointLike) -> None: """Unfold the CircuitGate at `point` into the circuit.""" if not isinstance(self[point].gate, CircuitGate): raise ValueError('Expected to unfold a CircuitGate.') op = self[point] circuit: Circuit = op.gate._circuit # type: ignore circuit.set_params(op.params) self.replace_with_circuit(point, circuit)
[docs] def batch_unfold(self, points: Sequence[CircuitPointLike]) -> None: """Unfold the CircuitGates at `points` into the circuit.""" points = {(point[0], self[point].location[0]) for point in points} for point in reversed(sorted(points)): self.unfold(point)
[docs] def unfold_all(self) -> None: """Unfold all CircuitGates in the circuit.""" while any(isinstance(gate, CircuitGate) for gate in self.gate_set): unfolded_circuit = Circuit(self.num_qudits, self.radixes) for op in self: if isinstance(op.gate, CircuitGate): circuit = op.gate._circuit circuit.set_params(op.params) unfolded_circuit.append_circuit(circuit, op.location) else: unfolded_circuit.append(op) self.become(unfolded_circuit)
[docs] def surround( self, point: CircuitPointLike, num_qudits: int, bounding_region: CircuitRegionLike | None = None, fail_quickly: bool = False, ) -> CircuitRegion: """ Retrieve the maximal region in this circuit with `point` included. Args: point (CircuitPointLike): Find a surrounding region for this point. This point will be in the final CircuitRegion. num_qudits (int): The number of qudits to include in the region. bounding_region (CircuitRegionLike | None): An optional region that bounds the resulting region. fail_quickly (bool): If set to true, will not branch on an invalid region. This will lead to a much faster result in some cases at the cost of only approximating the maximal region. Raises: IndexError: If `point` is not a valid index. ValueError: If `num_qudits` is nonpositive. ValueError: If the operation at `point` is too large for `num_qudits`. ValueError: If `bounding_region` is invalid. Notes: This algorithm explores outward horizontally as much as possible. When a gate is encountered that involves another qudit not currently in the region, a decision needs to be made on whether that gate will be included or not. These decisions form a tree; an exhaustive search is employed to find the maximal region from this decision tree. """ if not is_integer(num_qudits): raise TypeError( f'Expected an integer num_qudits, got {type(num_qudits)}.', ) if num_qudits <= 0: raise ValueError( f'Expected a positive integer num_qudits, got {num_qudits}.', ) if bounding_region is not None: bounding_region = CircuitRegion(bounding_region) point = self.normalize_point(point) init_op: Operation = self[point] # Allow starting at an idle point if init_op.num_qudits > num_qudits: raise ValueError('Gate at point is too large for num_qudits.') HalfWire = Tuple[CircuitPoint, str] """ A HalfWire is a point in the circuit and a direction. This represents a point to start exploring from and a direction to explore in. """ Node = Tuple[ List[HalfWire], Set[Tuple[int, Operation]], CircuitLocation, Set[CircuitPoint], ] """ A Node in the search tree. Each node represents a region that may grow further. The data structure tracks all HalfWires in the region and the set of operations inside the region. During node exploration each HalfWire is walked until we find a multi-qudit gate. Multi- qudit gates form branches in the tree on whether on the gate should be included. The node structure additionally stores the set of qudit indices involved in the region currently. Also, we track points that have already been explored to reduce repetition. """ # Initialize the frontier init_node = ( [ (CircuitPoint(point[0], qudit_index), 'left') for qudit_index in init_op.location ] + [ (CircuitPoint(point[0], qudit_index), 'right') for qudit_index in init_op.location ], {(point[0], init_op)}, init_op.location, {CircuitPoint(point[0], q) for q in init_op.location}, ) frontier: list[Node] = [init_node] # Track best so far def score(node: Node) -> int: return sum(op[1].num_qudits for op in node[1]) best_score = score(init_node) best_region = self.get_region({(point[0], init_op.location[0])}) # Exhaustive Search while len(frontier) > 0: node = frontier.pop(0) _logger.debug('popped node:') _logger.debug(node[0]) _logger.debug(f'Items remaining in the frontier: {len(frontier)}') # Evaluate node if score(node) > best_score: # Calculate region from best node and return points = {(cycle, op.location[0]) for cycle, op in node[1]} try: best_region = self.get_region(points) best_score = score(node) _logger.debug(f'new best: {best_region}.') # Need to reject bad regions except ValueError: if fail_quickly: continue # Expand node absorbed_gates: set[tuple[int, Operation]] = set() branches: set[tuple[int, int, Operation]] = set() before_branch_half_wires: dict[int, HalfWire] = {} for i, half_wire in enumerate(node[0]): cycle_index, qudit_index = half_wire[0] step = -1 if half_wire[1] == 'left' else 1 while True: # Take a step cycle_index += step # Stop at edges if cycle_index < 0 or cycle_index >= self.num_cycles: break # Stop when outside bounds if bounding_region is not None: if (cycle_index, qudit_index) not in bounding_region: break # Stop when exploring previously explored points point = CircuitPoint(cycle_index, qudit_index) if point in node[3]: break node[3].add(point) # Continue until next operation if self.is_point_idle(point): continue op: Operation = self[cycle_index, qudit_index] # Gates already in region stop the half_wire if (cycle_index, op) in node[1]: break # Gates already accounted for stop the half_wire if (cycle_index, op) in absorbed_gates: break if (cycle_index, op) in [(c, o) for h, c, o in branches]: break # Absorb single-qudit gates if len(op.location) == 1: absorbed_gates.add((cycle_index, op)) continue # Operations that are too large stop the half_wire if len(op.location.union(node[2])) > num_qudits: break # Otherwise branch on the operation branches.add((i, cycle_index, op)) # Track state of half wire right before branch prev_point = CircuitPoint(cycle_index - step, qudit_index) before_branch_half_wires[i] = (prev_point, half_wire[1]) break # Compute children and extend frontier for half_wire_index, cycle_index, op in branches: child_half_wires = [ half_wire for i, half_wire in before_branch_half_wires.items() if half_wire_index != i ] qudit = node[0][half_wire_index][0].qudit direction = node[0][half_wire_index][1] left_expansion = [ (CircuitPoint(cycle_index, qudit_index), 'left') for qudit_index in op.location if qudit != qudit_index or direction == 'left' ] right_expansion = [ (CircuitPoint(cycle_index, qudit_index), 'right') for qudit_index in op.location if qudit != qudit_index or direction == 'right' ] expansion = left_expansion + right_expansion # Branch/Gate not taken frontier.append(( child_half_wires, node[1] | absorbed_gates, node[2], node[3], )) # Branch/Gate taken op_points = {CircuitPoint(cycle_index, q) for q in op.location} frontier.append(( list(set(child_half_wires + expansion)), node[1] | absorbed_gates | {(cycle_index, op)}, node[2].union(op.location), node[3] | op_points, )) # Append terminal node to handle absorbed gates with no branches if len(node[1] | absorbed_gates) != len(node[1]): frontier.append(([], node[1] | absorbed_gates, *node[2:])) return best_region
[docs] def get_region(self, points: Iterable[CircuitPointLike]) -> CircuitRegion: """ Calculate the minimal region from a sequence of points. Args: points (Iterable[CircuitPointLike]): The positions of operations to group together. Returns: (CircuitRegion): The region given by `points`. Raises: ValueError: If `points` do not form a valid convex region in the circuit. This happens when there exists an operation within the bounds of `points`, but not contained in it. IndexError: If any of `points` are out-of-range. """ if not is_iterable(points): raise TypeError( 'Expected iterable of points, got %s.' % type(points), ) points = list(points) if not all(CircuitPoint.is_point(point) for point in points): checks = [CircuitPoint.is_point(point) for point in points] raise TypeError( 'Expected iterable of points' f', got {points[checks.index(False)]} for at least one point.', ) if len(points) == 0: return CircuitRegion({}) # Collect operations ops_and_cycles = list({ (point[0], self[point]) for point in points if not self.is_point_idle(point) }) # Calculate the bounding region to be folded # The region is represented by the max and min cycle for each qudit. region: dict[int, tuple[int, int]] = {} for point in points: # Flip negative indices cycle_index = point[0] if cycle_index < 0: cycle_index = self.num_cycles + cycle_index if self.is_point_idle(point): continue for qudit_index in self[point].location: if qudit_index not in region: region[qudit_index] = (self.num_cycles, -1) if cycle_index < region[qudit_index][0]: region[qudit_index] = (cycle_index, region[qudit_index][1]) if cycle_index > region[qudit_index][1]: region[qudit_index] = (region[qudit_index][0], cycle_index) # Count operations within region ops_in_region = set() for qudit_index, bounds in region.items(): for i, cycle in enumerate(self._circuit[bounds[0]:bounds[1] + 1]): op = cycle[qudit_index] if op is not None: ops_in_region.add((bounds[0] + i, op)) # All operations in the region must be getting folded if len(ops_and_cycles) != len(ops_in_region): raise ValueError( 'Operations cannot be grouped in a region due to' ' another operation in the middle.', ) self.check_region(region) return CircuitRegion(region)
[docs] def downsize_region(self, region: CircuitRegionLike) -> CircuitRegion: """Remove all idle qudits-cycles in `region` while keeping it valid.""" return self.get_region(CircuitRegion(region).points)
[docs] def get_operations( self, points: Iterable[CircuitPointLike], ) -> list[Operation]: """Retrieve operations from `points` without throwing IndexError.""" if not is_iterable(points): raise TypeError( f'Expected a circuit point iterable, got {type(points)}.', ) if not all(CircuitPoint.is_point(point) for point in points): raise TypeError( f'Expected a circuit point iterable, got {type(points)}.', ) ops: list[tuple[int, Operation]] = list() for point in points: try: ops.append((point[0], self.get_operation(point))) except IndexError: continue return [op_and_cycle[1] for op_and_cycle in list(dict.fromkeys(ops))]
[docs] def get_slice(self, points: Sequence[CircuitPointLike]) -> Circuit: """Return a copy of a slice of this circuit.""" # Sort points points = sorted(points) # Collect operations avoiding duplicates ops_and_cycles: list[tuple[Operation, int]] = list({ (self[point], point[0]) for point in points if not self.is_point_idle(point) }) if len(ops_and_cycles) == 0: raise IndexError('No operations exists at any of the points.') ops_and_cycles.sort(key=lambda x: (x[1], *x[0].location)) ops = [op for op, _ in ops_and_cycles] if len(ops_and_cycles) == 0: raise IndexError('No operations exists at any of the points.') # Form new circuit and return qudits = list(set(sum((tuple(op.location) for op in ops), ()))) qudits = sorted(qudits) radixes = [self.radixes[q] for q in qudits] circuit = Circuit(len(radixes), radixes) for op in ops: location = [qudits.index(q) for q in op.location] circuit.append(Operation(op.gate, location, op.params)) return circuit
# endregion # region Parameter Methods
[docs] def get_param(self, param_index: int) -> float: """Return the parameter at param_index.""" cycle, qudit, param = self.get_param_location(param_index) return self[cycle, qudit].params[param]
[docs] def set_param(self, param_index: int, value: float) -> None: """Set a circuit parameter.""" cycle, qudit, param = self.get_param_location(param_index) self[cycle, qudit].params[param] = value
[docs] def set_params(self, params: RealVector) -> None: """Set all parameters at once.""" self.check_parameters(params) param_index = 0 for op in self: op.params = list( params[param_index: param_index + op.num_params], ) param_index += op.num_params
[docs] def freeze_param(self, param_index: int) -> None: """Freeze a circuit parameter to its current value.""" cycle, qudit, param = self.get_param_location(param_index) op = self[cycle, qudit] gate = op.gate.with_frozen_params({param: op.params[param]}) params = op.params.copy() params.pop(param) self.replace_gate((cycle, qudit), gate, op.location, params)
[docs] def get_param_location(self, param_index: int) -> tuple[int, int, int]: """ Converts a param_index to a cycle, qudit, and operation-param index. Args: param_index (int): The parameter index to convert. Returns: (tuple[int, int, int]): A tuple of cycle_index, qudit_index, and operation-param index. The operation the parameter belongs to will be at circuit[cycle_index, qudit_index]. This parameter in that operation is indexed by the operation-param index. Raises: IndexError: If the param_index is invalid. Examples: >>> from import U3Gate >>> circ = Circuit(1) >>> circ.append_gate(U3Gate(), [0]) >>> circ.append_gate(U3Gate(), [0]) >>> circ.num_params 6 >>> circ.get_param_location(4) (1, 0, 1) """ if param_index < 0: raise IndexError('Negative parameter index is not supported.') count = 0 for cycle, op in self.operations_with_cycles(): count += len(op.params) if count > param_index: param = param_index - (count - len(op.params)) return (cycle, op.location[0], param) raise IndexError('Out-of-range parameter index.')
# endregion # region Circuit Logic Methods
[docs] def get_inverse(self) -> Circuit: """Return the circuit's inverse circuit.""" circuit = Circuit(self.num_qudits, self.radixes) for op in reversed(self): circuit.append(op.get_inverse()) return circuit
[docs] def get_unitary(self, params: RealVector = []) -> UnitaryMatrix: """ Return the unitary matrix of the circuit. Args: params (RealVector): Optionally specify parameters overriding the ones stored in the circuit. (Default: use parameters already in circuit.) Returns: The UnitaryMatrix object that the circuit implements. Raises: ValueError: If parameters are specified and invalid. Examples: >>> from import HGate >>> circ = Circuit(1) >>> op = Operation(HGate(), [0]) >>> circ.append(op) >>> circ.get_unitary() == HGate().get_unitary() True """ if len(params) != 0: self.check_parameters(params) param_index = 0 utry = UnitaryBuilder(self.num_qudits, self.radixes) for op in self: if len(params) != 0: gparams = params[param_index:param_index + op.num_params] utry.apply_right(op.get_unitary(gparams), op.location) param_index += op.num_params else: utry.apply_right(op.get_unitary(), op.location) return utry.get_unitary()
[docs] def get_statevector( self, in_state: StateLike, params: RealVector = [], ) -> StateVector: """ Return the result of applying `self` to `in_state` Args: params (RealVector): Optionally specify parameters overriding the ones stored in the circuit. (Default: use parameters already in circuit.) Returns: The StateVector object for the new state after the circuit Raises: ValueError: If parameters are specified and invalid. Examples: >>> from import HGate >>> circ = Circuit(1) >>> op = Operation(HGate(), [0]) >>> circ.append(op) >>> V = StateVector([1,0]) >>> np.allclose(circ.get_statevector(V), np.array([1,1])/np.sqrt(2)) True """ if len(params) != 0: self.check_parameters(params) param_index = 0 new_state = StateVector(in_state) for op in self: if len(params) != 0: gparams = params[param_index:param_index + op.num_params] new_state.apply(op.get_unitary(gparams), op.location) param_index += op.num_params else: new_state.apply(op.get_unitary(), op.location) return new_state
[docs] def get_grad(self, params: RealVector = []) -> npt.NDArray[np.complex128]: """Return the gradient of the circuit.""" return self.get_unitary_and_grad(params)[1]
[docs] def get_unitary_and_grad( self, params: RealVector = [], ) -> tuple[UnitaryMatrix, npt.NDArray[np.complex128]]: """Return the unitary and gradient of the circuit.""" if len(params) != 0: self.check_parameters(params) param_index = 0 # Collect matrices, gradients, and locations matrices = [] grads = [] locations = [] for op in self: if len(params) != 0: gparams = params[param_index:param_index + op.num_params] param_index += op.num_params M, dM = op.get_unitary_and_grad(gparams) matrices.append(M) grads.append(dM) locations.append(op.location) else: M, dM = op.get_unitary_and_grad() matrices.append(M) grads.append(dM) locations.append(op.location) # Calculate gradient left = UnitaryBuilder(self.num_qudits, self.radixes) right = UnitaryBuilder(self.num_qudits, self.radixes) full_grads = [] for M, loc in zip(matrices, locations): right.apply_right(M, loc) for M, dM, loc in zip(matrices, grads, locations): right.apply_left(M, loc, inverse=True) right_utry = right.get_unitary() for grad in dM: full_grads.append(right_utry @ left.eval_apply_right(grad, loc)) left.apply_right(M, loc) return left.get_unitary(), np.array(full_grads)
[docs] def perform( self, compiler_pass: BasePass, data: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> None: """ Execute the provided `compiler_pass` on this circuit. This function is necessary since BQSKit Pass objects cannot have their :func:`` function directly called on a circuit. Args: compiler_pass (BasePass): The BQSKit pass to perform on this circuit. data (dict[str, Any] | None): Optionally provide additional pass data to the compiler pass. Note: You cannot perform a pass using this method while a local :class:`~bqskit.compiler.compiler.Compiler` object is live. Rather, you should use the :class:`~bqskit.compiler.compiler.Compiler` directly. """ from bqskit.compiler.compiler import Compiler from bqskit.compiler.passdata import PassData from bqskit.compiler.task import CompilationTask pass_data = PassData(self) if data is not None: pass_data.update(data) with Compiler() as compiler: task = CompilationTask(self, [compiler_pass]) = pass_data task_id = compiler.submit(task) self.become(compiler.result(task_id)) # type: ignore
[docs] def instantiate( self, target: StateLike | UnitaryLike | StateSystem, method: str | Instantiater | None = None, multistarts: int = 1, seed: int | None = None, multistart_gen: MultiStartGenerator | None = None, score_fn_gen: CostFunctionGenerator | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Circuit: """ Instantiate the circuit with respect to a target state or unitary. Attempts to change the parameters of the circuit such that the circuit either implements the target unitary or maps the zero state to the target state. Args: target (StateLike | UnitaryLike | StateSystem): The target unitary or state. If a unitary is specified, the method changes the circuit's parameters in an effort to get closer to implementing the target. If a state is specified, the method changes the circuit's parameters in an effort to get closer to producing the target state when starting from the zero state. method (str | Instantiater | None): The method with which to instantiate the circuit. Currently, `"qfactor"` and `"minimization"` are supported. If left None, attempts to pick best method. You can also pass an :class:`Instantiater` directly through this. multistarts (int): The number of starting points to sample instantiation with. (Default: 1) seed (int | None): The seed for any pseudo-random number generators to use. Note that this is not guaranteed to make this method reproducible. multistart_gen (MultiStartGenerator): (Deprecated) score_fn_gen (CostFunctionGenerator): (Deprecated) kwargs (dict[str, Any]): Method specific options, passed directly to method constructor. For more info, see ``. Returns: Circuit: A reference to `self` is returned Raises: ValueError: If `method` is invalid. ValueError: If `circuit` is incompatible with any method. ValueError: If `target` dimension doesn't match with circuit. ValueError: If `multistarts` is not a positive integer. ValueError: If `seed` is not an integer or `None` """ if multistart_gen is not None or score_fn_gen is not None: warnings.warn( 'Multistart handling has moved from the `circuit.instantiate`' ' method to the Instantiater class. See' ' `Instantiater.multi_start_instantiate` for more info. If you' ' would like to override how starts are generated or' ' instantiation results are processed, you should subclass' ' an Instantiater. An Instantiatier object can be passed to' ' `circuit.instantiate` through the `method` parameter. It' ' can also be passed to most BQSKit compiler passes through' " the `instantiate_options={'method':...} parameter. The use" ' of `multistart_gen` and `score_fn_gen` parameters in' ' `circuit.instantiate` is deprecated, and this warning' ' will turn into an error in the future.', DeprecationWarning, ) # Set seed if specified if seed is not None: if not isinstance(seed, int): raise ValueError( f'Expected seed to be an integer, got {type(seed)}.', ) seed_random_sources(seed) # Use given Instantiater if one is specified. if isinstance(method, Instantiater): instantiater = method if not instantiater.is_capable(self): raise ValueError( 'Circuit cannot be instantiated using the ' f'{method} method.' f'\n{instantiater.get_violation_report(self)}', ) # Find best Instantiater if none specified elif method is None: err = '' instantiater = None for inst in instantiater_order: inst_t = cast(Instantiater, inst) if inst_t.is_capable(self): instantiater = inst_t(**kwargs) # type: ignore break err += inst_t.get_violation_report(self) + '\n' if instantiater is None: raise ValueError(f'No capable instantiater.\n{err}') # If method is specified by name; match it elif isinstance(method, str): instantiater = None for inst in instantiater_order: inst_t = cast(Instantiater, inst) if inst_t.get_method_name().lower() == method.lower(): if not inst_t.is_capable(self): raise ValueError( 'Circuit cannot be instantiated using the ' f'{method} method.' f'\n{inst_t.get_violation_report(self)}', ) instantiater = inst_t(**kwargs) # type: ignore break if instantiater is None: raise ValueError(f'No such instantiatation method {method}.') else: raise TypeError( 'Expected a instantiater or name for method,' f' got {type(method)}.', ) instantiater = cast(Instantiater, instantiater) # Instantiate instantiater.multi_start_instantiate_inplace(self, target, multistarts) return self
[docs] def minimize(self, cost: CostFunction, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ Minimize the circuit's cost with respect to some CostFunction. Attempts to change the parameters of the circuit such that the circuit's cost according to `cost` is best minimized. Args: cost (CostFunction): The cost function to use when evaluting the circuit's cost. minimizer (str): The minimization method to use. If unspecified, attempts to assign best method. (kwarg) """ minimizer = kwargs.get('minimizer', CeresMinimizer()) self.set_params(minimizer.minimize(cost, self.params))
# endregion # region Measurement Methods
[docs] def remove_all_measurements(self) -> None: """Remove all measurement placeholders from the circuit.""" while any(isinstance(g, MeasurementPlaceholder) for g in self.gate_set): for g in self.gate_set: if isinstance(g, MeasurementPlaceholder): self.remove(g)
# endregion # region Collection and Iteration Methods @overload def __getitem__(self, point: CircuitPointLike) -> Operation: ... @overload def __getitem__( self, points: Iterable[CircuitPointLike], ) -> list[Operation]: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, region: CircuitRegionLike) -> list[Operation]: ... @overload def __getitem__( self, slice: int | slice, ) -> list[Operation]: ... @overload def __getitem__( self, slices: tuple[Iterable[int] | slice, Iterable[int] | slice] | tuple[int, Iterable[int] | slice] | tuple[Iterable[int] | slice, int], ) -> list[Operation]: ... def __getitem__( self, indices: CircuitPointLike | Iterable[CircuitPointLike] | CircuitRegionLike | int | Iterable[int] | slice | tuple[Iterable[int] | slice, Iterable[int] | slice] | tuple[int, Iterable[int] | slice] | tuple[Iterable[int] | slice, int], ) -> Operation | list[Operation]: """ Retrieve operations from the circuit. Args: indices ( CircuitPointLike | Iterable[CircuitPointLike] | CircuitRegionLike | int | slice | tuple[Iterable[int] | slice, Iterable[int] | slice] | tuple[int, Iterable[int] | slice] | tuple[Iterable[int] | slice, int], ): This parameter describes the area in the circuit to retrieve operations from. If a point is given, then the operation at that point will be returned. In all other cases, a list of operations will be returned. You can specify a sequence of points to directly get operations from all those points. You can specify a cycle index, a sequence of cycle indices, or a slice to retrieve operations from those cycles. You can also specify a tuple that describes all cycles and qudits to sample from. Lastly, you can specify a circuit region to get all the operations there. Returns: (Operation | list[Operation]): Either a specific operation is returned or a list of them depending on the type of `indices`. Raises: IndexError: If any specified point is invalid or out-of-range. """ if CircuitPoint.is_point(indices): return self.get_operation(indices) if is_iterable(indices): if all(CircuitPoint.is_point(point) for point in indices): return self.get_operations(indices) if CircuitRegion.is_region(indices): return self[CircuitRegion(indices).points] if is_integer(indices): return list({ op for op in self._circuit[indices] if op is not None }) # if is_iterable(indices): # if all(is_integer(cycle_index) for cycle_index in indices): # return sum([self[cycle_index] for cycle_index in indices], []) if isinstance(indices, slice): start, stop, step = indices.indices(self.num_cycles) acm: list[Operation] = [] return sum((self[index] for index in range(start, stop, step)), acm) if isinstance(indices, tuple) and len(indices) == 2: cycle_indices, qudit_indices = indices cycles, qudits = None, None if is_integer(cycle_indices): cycles = [cycle_indices] elif isinstance(cycle_indices, slice): start, stop, step = cycle_indices.indices(self.num_cycles) cycles = list(range(start, stop, step)) elif is_iterable(cycle_indices): if all(is_integer(index) for index in cycle_indices): cycles = list(cycle_indices) if is_integer(qudit_indices): qudits = [qudit_indices] elif isinstance(qudit_indices, slice): start, stop, step = qudit_indices.indices(self.num_qudits) qudits = list(range(start, stop, step)) elif is_iterable(qudit_indices): if all(is_integer(index) for index in qudit_indices): qudits = list(qudit_indices) if cycles is not None and qudits is not None: return self[[ CircuitPoint(cycle, qudit) for cycle in cycles for qudit in qudits ]] raise TypeError( 'Invalid index type. Expected point' ', sequence of points, slice, region, or pair of indices' ', got %s.' % type(indices), ) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Operation]: """Return an iterator that iterates through all operations.""" return CircuitIterator(self) # type: ignore def __reversed__(self) -> Iterator[Operation]: """Return a reverse iterator that iterates through all operations.""" return CircuitIterator(self, reverse=True) # type: ignore def __contains__(self, op: object) -> bool: """Return true if `op` is in the circuit.""" if isinstance(op, Operation): try: self.check_valid_operation(op) except ValueError: return False if op.gate not in self._gate_info: return False for _op in self.operations(qudits_or_region=[op.location[0]]): if op == _op: return True return False elif isinstance(op, Gate): return op in self._gate_info else: return False def __len__(self) -> int: """Return the number of operations in the circuit.""" return self.num_operations
[docs] def operations( self, start: CircuitPointLike = CircuitPoint(0, 0), end: CircuitPointLike | None = None, qudits_or_region: CircuitRegionLike | Sequence[int] | None = None, exclude: bool = False, reverse: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[Operation]: """Create and return an iterator, for more info see CircuitIterator.""" return CircuitIterator( self, start, end, qudits_or_region, exclude, reverse, ) # type: ignore
[docs] def operations_with_cycles( self, start: CircuitPointLike = CircuitPoint(0, 0), end: CircuitPointLike | None = None, qudits_or_region: CircuitRegionLike | Sequence[int] | None = None, exclude: bool = False, reverse: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[tuple[int, Operation]]: """Create and return an iterator, for more info see CircuitIterator.""" return CircuitIterator( self, start, end, qudits_or_region, exclude, reverse, True, ) # type: ignore
# endregion # region Operator Overloads def __invert__(self) -> Circuit: """Invert the circuit.""" return self.get_inverse() def __eq__(self, rhs: object) -> bool: """ Check for circuit equality. Two circuits are equal if: 1) They have the same number of operations. 2) All qudit radixes are equal. 3) All operations in simulation order are equal. """ if not isinstance(rhs, Circuit): raise NotImplemented if self is rhs: return True if self._gate_info != rhs._gate_info: return False for r1, r2 in zip(self.radixes, rhs.radixes): if r1 != r2: return False return all(op1 == op2 for op1, op2 in zip(self, rhs)) def __ne__(self, rhs: object) -> bool: """Check for circuit inequality, see __eq__ for more info.""" return not self == rhs def __add__(self, rhs: Circuit) -> Circuit: """Return a concatenated circuit copy.""" circuit = Circuit(self.num_qudits, self.radixes) circuit.append_circuit(self, list(range(self.num_qudits))) circuit.append_circuit(rhs, list(range(self.num_qudits))) return circuit def __mul__(self, rhs: int) -> Circuit: """Return a repeated circuit copy.""" circuit = Circuit(self.num_qudits, self.radixes) for x in range(rhs): circuit.append_circuit(self, list(range(self.num_qudits))) return circuit def __radd__(self, lhs: Circuit) -> Circuit: """Return a concatenated circuit copy.""" circuit = Circuit(self.num_qudits, self.radixes) circuit.append_circuit(lhs, list(range(self.num_qudits))) circuit.append_circuit(self, list(range(self.num_qudits))) return circuit def __iadd__(self, rhs: Circuit) -> None: """Return a concatenated circuit copy.""" self.append_circuit(rhs, list(range(self.num_qudits))) def __imul__(self, rhs: int) -> None: """Return a repeated circuit copy.""" circuit = self.copy() for x in range(rhs - 1): self.append_circuit(circuit, list(range(self.num_qudits))) # endregion # region IO Methods def __str__(self) -> str: """String representation of the circuit.""" op_string = '[' if self.num_operations == 1: op_string += str(list(self.operations())[0]) elif self.num_operations == 2: op_string += str(list(self.operations())[0]) op_string += ', ' op_string += str(list(self.operations())[1]) elif self.num_operations > 2: op_string += str(list(self.operations())[0]) op_string += ' ... ' op_string += str(list(self.operations())[-1]) op_string += ']' num_qudits = self.num_qudits return f'Circuit({num_qudits}){op_string}' def __repr__(self) -> str: """Repr representation of the circuit.""" string = f'Circuit({self.num_qudits})' for cycle in self._circuit[:100]: string += f'\n\t{cycle}' if self.num_cycles > 100: string += '...' return string
[docs] def save(self, filename: str) -> None: """Save the circuit to a file.""" language = get_language(filename.split('.')[-1]) with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(language.encode(self))
[docs] def to(self, type: str) -> str: """Convert circuit to language.""" return get_language(type).encode(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_file(filename: str) -> Circuit: """Restore a circuit from a file.""" language = get_language(filename.split('.')[-1]) with open(filename) as f: return language.decode(
[docs] @staticmethod def from_unitary(utry: UnitaryLike) -> Circuit: """Construct a circuit from a single unitary.""" utry = UnitaryMatrix(utry) circuit = Circuit(utry.num_qudits, utry.radixes) circuit.append_gate( ConstantUnitaryGate(utry), list(range(utry.num_qudits)), ) return circuit
[docs] @staticmethod def from_operation(op: Operation) -> Circuit: """Construct a circuit from a single operation.""" circuit = Circuit(op.num_qudits, op.radixes) circuit.append_gate(op.gate, list(range(circuit.num_qudits)), op.params) return circuit
# endregion